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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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How many people have been killed in the name of religion, and how many killed in the name of atheism?


No idea, give us a clue!!!


You need to accurately define the terms I think. Was any of the world wars done in the name of religion or atheism? If there isnt a direct religious link to a death can that then be attributed to being in the name of atheism? How much of a religious element is required within a war/death to classify it as religious? Can a muslim, for instance, who kills someone in a car crash add that to the muslims count (other religions kill people in car crashes)


Also do you want to break down the deaths to the appropriate religions? After all we need to know which is the most "dangerous" religion dont we? After all we dont want to start condeming druids when athiests killed more.


On that point can you define religion? is it merely a sect that follows a "god" or just follows a life choice?

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No idea, give us a clue!!!


You need to accurately define the terms I think. Was any of the world wars done in the name of religion or atheism? If there isnt a direct religious link to a death can that then be attributed to being in the name of atheism? How much of a religious element is required within a war/death to classify it as religious? Can a muslim, for instance, who kills someone in a car crash add that to the muslims count (other religions kill people in car crashes)


Also do you want to break down the deaths to the appropriate religions? After all we need to know which is the most "dangerous" religion dont we? After all we dont want to start condeming druids when athiests killed more.


On that point can you define religion? is it merely a sect that follows a "god" or just follows a life choice?


The question was posed to show the flaws in the preceding argument - define how people are classes? Define how they are uptight? I don;t expect anyone to answer my question seriously.

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agnostic simply means i dont believe its provable beyond any doubt either way ,so i will stand back and watch both parties rag each other and then go have some fun and not worry about it :hihi:


Being neautral is the safest,and probably the best place to be in, in any conflict.

Too much certainty in any position,be it religion, politics etc can be a dangerous thing in my view.

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Thankyou,the symbol at the end of your sentence spoke louder then the words.


The symbol, at the end of my sentence, was a 'sticky out tongue face'. Just to clarify, from my end, absolutely no malice was intended. For the most part, my mood is jovial, fun, playful.


Yes, like everyone else, you're a human being (HB). I think generally, when people say they are an atheist, a theist, or a <whatever>, that's not actually what they are, that's just the internal dialog, the story, of what they tell themselves (and the world), what they are.


So there! :P

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The symbol, at the end of my sentence, was a 'sticky out tongue face'. Just to clarify, from my end, absolutely no malice was intended. For the most part, my mood is jovial, fun, playful.


Yes, like everyone else, you're a human being (HB). I think generally, when people say they are an atheist, a theist, or a <whatever>, that's not actually what they are, that's just the internal dialog, the story, of what they tell themselves (and the world), what they are.


So there! :P

Thanks for clarifying.

By that further comment, do you mean you take the approach that theists/atheists or whatever else they say they are,that they are deceiving themselves,and deceiving others. If so, do you include yourself? or have you reached the conclusion that you are exempt from that position?


Just asking because its an interesting observation,and i expect they're are others who share the same view.

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