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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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The word design implies a designer. You can't have one without the other.


I don't understand what you're getting at here.


I'm not getting at anything, i'm questioning your smallpox, malaria, death and illness post. None of these things are designed they simply occur or are because we are susceptible to getting ill or infected. Deformation in any instances occurs because something goes wrong in the process of child development. It isn't designed, it's a chemical **** up.

I can see what you're driving at that if the OP wishes us to adopt the theory that a creator has given us good, then he has to also accept that he gave us bad, I just question your examples that's all as in one form or another they affect the animal kingdom as a whole; though we tend to view it as survival of the fittest with animals, a way of reducing numbers naturally.

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i'm questioning your smallpox, malaria, death and illness post.

What's to question? I made no argument in favour of design. I asked one question, and then said "If God created something ...".


I can see what you're driving at that if the OP wishes us to adopt the theory that a creator has given us good, then he has to also accept that he gave us bad, I just question your examples that's all

I've not said anything that doesn't make sense. Still don't understand your point.

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IT almost seems to be that you are equating design with evolution. Sadly the two are far removed - design requires some intelligent input with a goal in mind - evolution works merely on random chance and picking the least worst of the possible outcomes.


No, i'm only questioning the use of the word in relation to examples given with an earlier post.

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we see micro evolution all around us but macro evolution is an unproven theory based on micro evolution thus the title : "the theory of evolution" not "the law of evolution"


but back to my original question please why do you have a faith in God ?

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What's to question? I made no argument in favour of design. I asked one question, and then said "If God created something ...".

I've not said anything that doesn't make sense. Still don't understand your point.


Nothing you said made any sense though other than to fall in line with the train of thought that if there were a god, how come bad stuff happens. As I said, i've questioned your examples of 'bad stuff.'

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