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Why do you believe in God or a creator ?

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I really really don't understand you. I've not said anything that isn't logical or isn't factually true.


You've said that death and some diseases were designed, but haven't told us by whom.


On which note, I'll end our conversation.


What I said was that with the 'exception perhaps' of death and a few diseases. Design has more than one connotation and my use of the word was used loosely not literally.

I reitterate that nothing you said made any sense as your examples have nothing to do with creation even if it were true. Diseases are reactions to infection. Malaria is spread by the mosquito this is true but the mosquito is only the host, one of those symbiotic relationships that in this case has a bad side. Death happens and illness, well that can be anything from a cold to more serious ailment.

A lot of disease is the creation of man himself, poor hygiene and filthy living conditions.

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No. Have a look a something called Olber's paradox...

From reading and my very very small knowledge of physics, that is an argument for a growing universe. Okay ... I think I understand. The universe cannot be infinite in size. It must have a finite point where it is "the end of the universe"?


It doesn't argue that before the Big Bang there was nothing, does it? In time, the universe could be infinite?


I'm happy to be proven wrong. I never did enjoy physics. My love was biology.

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