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Is 12 too young to get married?

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No, no, I don't think that at all. It's just a tiny minority, very tiny in fact. I heard an Imman talking on TV the other day about someone in one of their schools being beaten, and subsequesntly arrested for cruelty to children he was teaching. The fella made absolutely perfect sense, in what he said about the behaviour of the individual who was caught red handed on film doing it. He said Islam and Muslims teach tolerance, and respect for others, and if this individual didn't follow that teaching, then he wasn't a Muslim, and roundly condemned the charged man.


It's just the radical few that try to poison others away from the true teachings of Islam.


Of course it is, and the popular press choose to publicise one aspect rather than give the balanced picture.

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Its a common view.....To be "westernized" is to get in bed with Satan himself...Not sure why you need to bring the "all immigrants are scroungers" into it though??
To demonstrate that people often use a 'one brush' approach when discussing matters of social demographics.

A lot of immigrants ARE scroungers...We all know that but WTF its got to do with tihs Im not sure....

..but the vast majority aren't-you're demonstrating the point I was making in my post you responded too. Just as 'a lot' of Muslims believe western society is the work of Satan...whereas the majority don't.

Oh and yes I do vote Liberal,

That's a mistake I won't be making again.

No I dont like foreigners coming here to milk our taxes

I don't like anyone 'milking' my taxes, I don't believe a special case should be made for foreigners.

and No I dont support the EDL......

No one suggested you did.
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It's obscene in the extreme. I'm puzzled why they worry about being 'Westernised'...That being the case, why are they here 'in the West'? It makes no sense to me!


you only have to walk down west street on a weekend to see why they dont want their girls being 'westernised', I would feel disgusted if my daughter acted like young British girls do now.


they make my skin crawl :gag:

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you only have to walk down west street on a weekend to see why they dont want their girls being 'westernised', I would feel disgusted if my daughter acted like young British girls do now.


they make my skin crawl :gag:


So your answer would be to marry your daughter off at the age of 12? That's the question posed by the OP.


Surely it's parental guidance (not virtual imprisonment, and marrying them off) that should be uppermost!

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So your answer would be to marry your daughter off at the age of 12? That's the question posed by the OP.


Surely it's parental guidance (not virtual imprisonment, and marrying them off) that should be uppermost!


lets split the two culture's english culture - asian culture.


english culture = we are here to offer support for our kids while they grow up, we are always their on the sideline in case they ever need us, we let our kids make their own mind up because we dont agree with the idea of controlling them, so british children/teenagers basically make it up as they go along.

Is so much freedom for a child good ?, shouldn't we be teaching our children morals and how to behave well instead of just letting them get on with it ?

and of course there are alot of good kids in england but the bad kids outweigh them, and the party culture we have has ruined alot, and generally just caring about themselves more than others.


asian culture- their are rules and you also better listen to you parents and do as your told, their children are not out causing problems for their neighbours and none of their daughters get pregnant at 14/15 and have to grow up a single parent. Their lives have structure and discipline and imo seem to be alot better obviously apart from some of the asian men that like hitting to incur discipline. look at how their children go to college and university and work hard and study to become something ( not saying their aren't english doing that but come on, our kids are way too interested in getting drunk from their student loans )


no i dont agree with children being married off, my point was i can understand when they say they dont want their daughters being westernised because imo the majority of our teenage girls in this country are disgusting, and i can see why they would not want their daughters to end up like that, i dont want my daughters to be like that.


maybe it is parental guidance but it doesn't matter how good of a parent we are, our kids will still at some point push them boundary's and have their own experience's like we all did, teenage girls are alot different to when i was growing up :gag:, they have no respect for themselves at all


I want my children to grow up using their brain and not just following the herd like most do now, i wouldn't ever try to marry my child off and do not agree with other people doing it. But just because i don't agree with it does that make it wrong ?, no its just not part of my culture or the way i do things.



but all this is my opinion

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lets split the two culture's english culture - asian culture.


english culture = we are here to offer support for our kids while they grow up, we are always their on the sideline in case they ever need us, we let our kids make their own mind up because we dont agree with the idea of controlling them, so british children/teenagers basically make it up as they go along.

Is so much freedom for a child good ?, shouldn't we be teaching our children morals and how to behave well instead of just letting them get on with it ?

and of course there are alot of good kids in england but the bad kids outweigh them, and the party culture we have has ruined alot, and generally just caring about themselves more than others.


asian culture- their are rules and you also better listen to you parents and do as your told, their children are not out causing problems for their neighbours and none of their daughters get pregnant at 14/15 and have to grow up a single parent. Their lives have structure and discipline and imo seem to be alot better obviously apart from some of the asian men that like hitting to incur discipline. look at how their children go to college and university and work hard and study to become something ( not saying their aren't english doing that but come on, our kids are way too interested in getting drunk from their student loans )


no i dont agree with children being married off, my point was i can understand when they say they dont want their daughters being westernised because imo the majority of our teenage girls in this country are disgusting, and i can see why they would not want their daughters to end up like that, i dont want my daughters to be like that.


maybe it is parental guidance but it doesn't matter how good of a parent we are, our kids will still at some point push them boundary's and have their own experience's like we all did, teenage girls are alot different to when i was growing up :gag:, they have no respect for themselves at all


I want my children to grow up using their brain and not just following the herd like most do now, i wouldn't ever try to marry my child off and do not agree with other people doing it. But just because i don't agree with it does that make it wrong ?, no its just not part of my culture or the way i do things.



but all this is my opinion


Asian and English Culture-we all want what's best for our kids.


But marrying them off at 12 or dictating terms and being over protective of them isn't necessarily what might be the best for them.

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