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Is 12 too young to get married?

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why do you not ?

Because I'm not mindless. What's the problem with drinking alcohol anyway? What about it is "disgusting"?


Your entire argument is built on gross generalisation. A "west=bad, east=good" argument. Why isn't pakistan a wonderland using your logic? A land of milk, honey and high moral standards?

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Asian and English Culture-we all want what's best for our kids.


But marrying them off at 12 or dictating terms and being over protective of them isn't necessarily what might be the best for them.



how many young asian girls do you see pushing prams ???, how many young asian lads do you see getting locked up nightly,

but i do agree marrying them off at 12 is not needed.


i know it all happens to asian family's too but nowhere near as much as english family's


and letting them do what they want isn't the best for them either, so what would be classed as in between to get the best result ?

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Because I'm not mindless. What's the problem with drinking alcohol anyway? What about it is "disgusting"?


Your entire argument is built on gross generalisation. A "west=bad, east=good" argument. Why isn't pakistan a wonderland using your logic? A land of milk, honey and high moral standards?


i never said their was a problem with drinking alcohol, i drink myself, the problem is drinking excessively until you dont know what year it is, because then you cannot control yourself or make sure you safe.


where have i said that the west is bad and the east is good ?

i said i can understand why asian familys don't want their girls acting like english girls, i have not generalised anything at all, i think i have quite clearly put across my opinion and think that you have just not bothered paying attention to it.

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There are also some parallels with the traveller culture. They may not marry at 12, but the girls are pulled out of school and put into a life of menial housekeeping from that time.


see i dont agree with pulling children out of schools at young ages or any age at all for that matter because that is not giving them the opportunity to have a life and to have knowledge, i imagine they do this so they can keep that control over them.

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