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Is 12 too young to get married?

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To me it sort of 'smacks' of a posession to be traded....as I understand it (could be wrong), a dowry would be involved too!


Im glad you said that, i was thinking the same thing.

The dowrie thing has always confused me.

It definatly makes the female seem like a product/item/possesion to be traded.

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Im glad you said that, i was thinking the same thing.

The dowrie thing has always confused me.

It definatly makes the female seem like a product/item/possesion to be traded.


I'm not sure how it actually works in the Asian culture, and who has to provide it etc, but it's definitely in the mix somewhere there.


But then I suppose our history is littered with marriages of convenience and dowries being exchanged. But that was in history!!!...Not in today's culture!

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I'm not sure how it actually works in the Asian culture, and who has to provide it

The bride's family, of course.


I saw something on early morning BBC news a while back about young girls in India with facial scars that would be too expensive to make a dowry for, so were pushed out of the family home and now lived in a refuge. Not even grossly disfigured. Some were as young as 10.

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For some girls 14-15 wouldn't be too young to get married, provided she was getting married to someone under 18 say? But in these 'forced' or 'arranged' marriages, the man is often 10 years older or more. That's just plain wrong.


As to the dowry, I think they might still be expected to provide one with the girl, as an Asian Muslim man said to me the other week, talking about my sister's wedding, what dowry did she have?


I thought he was kidding me, but he said he was serious and it was expected, along with inviting half the world to the wedding, hiring expensive cars to look flash and all the other stuff a lot of them seem to do. Make of it what you will.


I'm still not sure.

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The bride's family, of course.


I saw something on early morning BBC news a while back about young girls in India with facial scars that would be too expensive to make a dowry for, so were pushed out of the family home and now lived in a refuge. Not even grossly disfigured. Some were as young as 10.


Ah yes, I seem to remember from years ago, there was a bit of a 'to-do' about a lot of Asian people wanting to predict the sex of their unborn child, and if it turned out to be a girl then they were having abortions...So it's the females that seem to be a bit of a burden. I think it's moved on a bit since then though.

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What is the age of criminal consent?


If your old enough to be charged with a crime you are probably old enough to marry, if you do so of your own free will.

Do you mean criminal responsbility? I think it's 10 in England and Wales, and either 10 or 12 in Scotland.


So you really believe that handing a little kid of 10 over to be married to an adult who could be 20 or even 30 years older is a good idea? Have a word with yourself, mate.

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