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Is 12 too young to get married?

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The saying goes,
(or in the Mail), but yes, I personally think it is too young.
And look what happened to him, he was slung out of the country and his career took a nosedive that it didn't recover from for years. Even in the USA. And he wasn't even that old himself at the time.
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I would imagine that the idea of a 12 year old bride would not be unacceptable to a follower of Mohammed,after all he led by example didnt he,of course the majority wouldnt show that face in public would they?


I could have sworn my post was anti ....?


we need to break the OP's question down really into:-


a) Is 12 too young to get married according to the UK's social norms?


to which the answer is of course, a resounding "YES!"


b) is it acceptable by the social norms of other countries?


Generally, the minimum age to marry without parental consent is eighteen, but can vary from 15 or so to 20/21


the lowest legal age for marriage varies from country to country, but in the EU, the rule of thumb is that it's 18 without, 16 with parental consent


In Canada, you can marry at 15, with judicial consent, and in the United States, there are many states where you can marry if you are under 16. You can marry at 14 in New Hampshire, whereas under the age of 15. in Arizona.


c) are all 12 year olds too young to marry?


I would say that it varies from individual to individual. I can think of some 20-odd year olds who could be considered still too young to marry!


Joking aside, I would, ideally wish to see both parties have finished at least secondary schooling, before undertaking such a huge decision.


It was common, in years gone by, when the lifespan was considerably shorter than it is now, for marriages to take place when the couples were very young (to 21st century eyes) Look at Romeo and Juliet:- Juliet was 13 and Romeo was about 15, and no-one quirked so much as an eyebrow at this famous tale. Catherine di Medici and her husband were both 14 when they married in 1533. Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon were 3 and 2 respectively when they were betrothed. they were fifteen when their marriage was made official.

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it appears you have missed out the muslim countries from your post have you done this on purpose ?


there's no issue.... the ages in those countries are very easily googled...


despite it being a huge cut-and-paste, if you really, really insist, here they are:-


(Non-muslim majority countries are in red, BTW)



Algeria: 21 for males and 18 for females, lower with judicial permission if necessity or benefit is established.


Egypt: 18 for males and 18 for females, the age was raised in 2008 from 16 to 18 for females.


Ethiopia: 18 for females, 18 for males.


Kenya: 16 under the Marriage Act.


Libya: 20, lower with judicial permission on grounds of benefit or necessity and with wali's agreement.


Madagascar: 18 for males, 17 for females.



Mali: 18 or 15. (proposed by the Malian Family Code)


Morocco: 18. (This is not always followed in rural areas and many judges do not uphold this law and let women younger than 18 marry.)


Niger: 15


Nigeria: 18


Senegal: 20 for males, 16 for females


Somalia: 18; 16 for females with guardian's consent. Court may grant exemption from minimum age requirements in case of necessity.


South Africa:For a marriage under the Marriage Act, 1961, parental consent is required for the marriage of a party under the age of majority, which was formerly 21 but is now 18. The special consent of the Minister of Home Affairs is also required for the marriage of a girl under the age of 15 or a boy under the age of 18.

Under the Civil Union Act, 2006, which allows for same-sex or opposite-sex marriages, both parties must be 18 or older.

Under the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act, 1998, a customary marriage entered into after the passage of the act will only be recognised if both parties were 18 or older.


Sudan: Puberty, with requirement for willing consent of both parties.


South Sudan: 18 with the consent of both parties, under the South Sudan Child Act 2008.


Tanzania: 18 for males and 15 for females, 14 with court permission if specific circumstances make marriage appear desirable. Penal Code provides that persons of "African or Asiatic descent" may marry or permit marriage of a girl under 12 in accordance with their custom or religion if marriage is not intended to be consummated before she is 12.


Tunisia: 20 for males and 17 for females, lower with judicial special permission for pressing reasons and on the basis of a clear interest for both spouses.


Zimbabwe:The Marriages Act [Chapter 5:11]Under this legislation, a man may marry at the minimum age of 18 while a woman may marry at the minimum age of 16.[24]


Afghanistan: 18 for males and 16 for females, more than half of marriages involve females under 16.


Armenia: 18 for males, 17 for females.


Azerbaijan: 18 for males, 17 for females. 17 or 16 correspondingly in special cases.


Bangladesh: 21 for males and 18 for females, lunar calendar; penal sanctions for contracting under-age marriages, though such unions are not considered invalid.


Brunei: No minimum marriage age specified.


People's Republic of China: 22 for males, 20 for females.


Georgia: 18 but 16 with parental consent.


Hong Kong: 21, 16 with parental consent.[32]


India: 21 for males and 18 for females.[33] If any partner(s) engages in marriage at a younger age, (s)he can ask for the marriage to be declared void / annulled. A recent recommendation by the Law Commission aims to equalize the marriage age for males and females to 18,[34] Official policy automatically declares marriages under 16 as "null and void", while marriages at the age of 16 or 17 are "voidable". In 2012, high court has declared that Muslim women can marry at 15. Additionally, the report declares that "In spite of these legal provisions, child marriage is still widely practiced snd a marriage solemnized in contravention of these provisions is not void even under the new PCMA, 1929, the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and also under the Muslim Law."


Indonesia: 19 for males and 16 for females, younger ages with parental consent


Iran: 18 for male, 16 for female.


Iraq: 18, 15 with judicial permission if fitness, physical capacity and guardian's consent (or unreasonable objection on part of guardian) are established. (May or may not have been revised after Saddam Hussein's fall.)


Israel: 18 for males and 17 for females.


Japan: 20, 18 for males and 16 for females with parental consent.


Jordan: 16 for males and 15 for females, lunar calendar; court permission required for females under 18 to marry men older by 20 years or more.


Kazakhstan: 18, in special cases 16 years with parental consent.


Korea: 18 with parental consent.


Kuwait: No minimum marriage age identified; capacity to marry requires parties to be of age (puberty) and of sound mind, however, no notarisation or registration of marriage permitted where female has not reached 15 years or male 17 years.]


Kyrgyzstan: 18.


Lebanon: 18 for males and 17 for females; scope for judicial discretion on basis of physical maturity and wali's permission from 17 for males and 9 for females; real puberty or 15/9 with judicial permission for Shi'a; 18/17 or 16/15 with judicial permission for Druze.


Malaysia: 21, 18 with parental consent. Muslim girls under 16 can marry with the permission of sharia authorities, and some girls as young as 14 have been permitted to marry.


Maldives: According to custom, the minimum age for marriage is 15; the Law on the Protection of the Rights of the Child discourages marriage before the age of 16.


Nepal: 21 for males and 18 for females without parental permission, and 18 for males and 16 for females with parental permission.


Pakistan: 18 for males, 16 for females.


Palestinian territories: 16 for males and 15 for females, lunar calendar.


Mongolia : 18.


Philippines: 18. If any spouse is 18–20 years and the consent of "parental" authority is not met, marriage may be prevented or annulled by any party that demands it.[50] On the other hand, Muslim marriages in the Philippines is based on the Shari'a: 15 years for males and as for females, the onset of puberty to age 15, whichever comes first.


Russia: 18, 16 in special circumstances; may vary in different regions.


Saudi Arabia: None currently, legislation for age 18 is being considered.


Singapore: 21, 18 with parental consent, below 18 with special marriage license.


Sri Lanka: 18. However, Muslims can be excluded from this regulation because the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act of 1951 states that a girl must be 12 years of age or have a Quazi's permission to marry before contracting into marriage. This is applicable only for Muslims in Sri Lanka.


Syria: 18 for males and 17 for females; judicial discretion for males of 15 and females of 13; judge may withhold permission for marriage if court finds incompatibility in age between betrothed parties.


Republic of China (Taiwan): 20 as the age of majority, generally. 18 for males, 16 for females with parental consent.


Thailand: 17.


Turkey: 18, 17 with parental consent, 16 in special circumstances with court approval.


Uzbekistan 18 for males, 17 for females. 17 and 16 correspondingly in special conditions.


Vietnam: 20 for males, 18 for females.


Yemen: In practice, "Yemeni law allows girls of any age to wed, but it forbids sex with them until the indefinite time they’re 'suitable for sexual intercourse'." Following the widely publicised divorce of a 10 year-old girl in 2008, there have been public and parliamentary efforts to raise the age to 17 or 18.

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Then someone should tell this lot




The clerics were approached by man posing as the father of a 12-year-old who wanted her to marry to prevent her being tempted into a decadent Western lifestyle.


Imam Mohammed Kassamali, of the Husaini Islamic Centre in Peterborough, stressed the need for secrecy with such a ceremony.


He allegedly said: ‘If it (the marriage) was not possible, I would have told you straight away... I would love the girl to go to her husband’s houses (sic) as soon as possible, the younger the better.



Full story


What a stupid post

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I would imagine that the idea of a 12 year old bride would not be unacceptable to a follower of Mohammed,after all he led by example didnt he,of course the majority wouldnt show that face in public would they?


Yaay! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. way to phrase a hypothesis, glam!

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