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BOUNCERS Like them or hate them?


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This thread is to try and find out what people think of bouncers, sorry door supervisors.

I'm a doorman myself and try to do my best to make sure everyone has a good night. I do my best not to fight because at the end of the day, whats fighting accomplish? You might think that we have an easy job but, is it really that easy when some of the place you work requires you to wear a stab/bullet vest.

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i like to think bouncers are there to make sure i have a safe enjoyable time in the establishment. on the rare occasion i've felt intimidated or threatened by them, i take my wallet elsewhere.

i feel sorry for them sometime when they have to deal with idiots who go out looking for a fight or students who have four pints and get all stupid.

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When I first started my first problematic customer was a forum member :hihi:


Damn drunks :roll:


Originally posted by caprice

mind you, I've never witnessed any trouble while I've been out.


You walking round with blinkers on Blondie :confused:

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I hardly ever go anywhere with bouncers cos I'm a real ale drinker but I used to go down West St when I was I student and for a few years afterwards and I always thought the bouncers on the doors were great, always pleasant, said goodbye as you left and wished you a good night etc.


Its an industry with an image problem but it has been trying to improve and of course all door supervisors are supposed to have their SIA badge now I believe or face a £5000 fine and to get this training is required.


I meet a lot of "security" firms in my business and whilst most are a bit rough around the edges they are not criminal or violent.


Mind you one or two are.......

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I dont have a prob with them in general and think they do a good job. The ones on Kingdom are nice enough but theres one at leadmill thats not very nice. My mate and i had already been let in after queuing for ages already but had to go back and ask bouncer bout summat cos we was meant to get some ticket thing on door, but was just screamed at to get out of F****** way and get to back of F****** queue!! they would not even listen or anything and had to queue all over again for no reason whatsoever! I cant sorta understand he was annoyed cos had just bin sortin out some idiots right before and was bit wound up but we didnt deserve to be screamed at like that. Other than that have never had trouble other than get ID'd everytime without fail and always take loads of convincing them its me on DL cos look totally diff to 4yrs ago.


hazel xx

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Well it appears everyone seems to like doorstaff. I've got admid even though I'm one myself there are a fair few I can't stand. But hey you can't like everyone. Keep your opinions coming people.

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