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BOUNCERS Like them or hate them?


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Originally posted by D2J

The number of Bouncers on this forum is growing rapidly :suspect:

Someone jealous? :hihi:

I remember being the first bouncer (I think) on the forum.

Ah the good old days.


Nice to see the diversity of the place picking up and the stereotype of the typical doorman (as in can't count, read or use a keyboard) being overturned by technically capable doorman being round these parts.

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I've never had a problem with any of them, and sometimes had nice chats when it was quiet. I've never felt all that comfortable though as at one point it seemed more like a 'protection racket'. One area I used to go to, I never heard of any problems at the pubs or clubs, then all of a sudden everywhere had doorstaff. And they were all from the same company...



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Originally posted by present

I think bouncers are jus wimps who try and pretend to be hard. I sued to lyk them until sum guy grabbed my arse in ice bar and threw glass @ em after i told him off and the bouncers said they were too scarred of his ' gang' to throw them out. HATE THEM.


Sometimes, and I mean sometimes there are occassions where doorman won't touch a certain gang because they know theres a good chance of them being shot. (I know from experience!) The reason they've got in is the same reason. I ain't saying the doorman were being wimps but why should I or anyother person put their life on the line? I'm won't stand in the way of a bullet I don't get paid enough!!! But I gotta admid I do my best to try and reason with them, refuse them entry, or get them to leave.

Call me a wimp if you want but all of you non-bouncers if you think the job is easy - try it! We get more grieve than the police normally.

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When you get gangs in a club/pub it is very difficult to get rid of them. The way we have sorted things out in the past is to confront the main members of the gang on a personal level (usually where they work) while they're on their own.

We explained that our 'gang' was bigger their's and like bullies they tend to leave and find a softer target (club) because "its too much trouble". The chance of you getting shot is very small but it does happen.....and you're right Taffi.......we dont get paid enough mate!

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Bouncers do a job that I'll put my hands up and admit that I couldn't. Their job is to ensure that the rest of customers who are out for an enjoyable night don't come to any harm from those who are out for a fight. Unfortunately because of this they often see people at their worst which I'm sure can be dismaying. Their task is often a thankless one which is also a shame. Until some people realise that having a punch-up after 20 pints isn't what most people want from a night out we'll need doormen to step in and eject the little cretins.


Having said all that there's good and bad people in all professions. Being in such a position of responsibility doormen need to ensure there aren't a minority amongst them abusing this position.

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I've got to say I've worked alot of places others won't, normally out of city centre. Mainly because working local areas is more enjoyable because you get to know people and secondly the experience is invaluable. I find city centre to be mundane, whens theres trouble everyone knows about it. When there isn't any it's relatively boring and you don't know many of the people because clientel changes week in week out.

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I agree that you get some bouncers who are ok and some who are real dick heads like in any profession. I remember when working at Charles street nightclub i made some good friends who were on the door and i can understand if doormen are reluctant to throw out certain customers. I think everyone has had some bad experience with a bouncer and as they have to deal with drunken dicks all night it's understandable if some of them come on a bit too strong. I was once punched in the stomach and dragged out of the toilet by my neck for urinating in the sink, which maybe would have been acceptable had i been doing it. I don't know why they thought i had been or why they were so heavy handed but i was only 18 at the time and my ripped shirt meant i had to go home. I think allot of the time if bouncers are polite and nice to you you are nice back, drunk or not. The last thing any club needs is to employ a nutcase who is going to cause trouble, maybe ending with an attack on all the bouncers or the building. Say what you want about Sheffield bouncers there a lot more polite and civil than the coke snorting, arrogant, gangster minions who do the doors at my home town of Ashton Manchester, and some of them are family.

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I think door supervisors in Sheffield are so much better than the rest of the country. Most elsewhere don't even say hello etc. They have a horrid job with nasty ****** students and hooligans..and the gangs in Sheffield. I don't envy their job. Also,the antisocial hours. Must be hard to have a normal life with the job when you work every evening......Must be a good way to stay off the alcohol though. It would put me off drinking seeing all those drunk idiots!!!!!!


Sheffield is a very difficult city to work in as a door supervisor. In my experience it is one of the most violent places in the country. Consider the amount of hooligans and the fact that exiled gang members from manchester are here causing a surge in the level of violence that we are used to. There isa real threat to the public within the inner city areas like we have never seen. The worst is yet to come. The doormen are standing up to most of the groups, however the threats are there and are being followed up. Be respectful to the door staff because if you are in real trouble 98 percent will help you.

I blame the Kiss music channel!!!!

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