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Kickboxing for beginners

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Try Paul Powers' personal trainers in Malin Bridge.

My little brother (aged 12) goes there and has been going since he was 5.

One-on-one tuition, can be expensive though...

Think nowadays it is £20 per hour. Find a friend to go with you and split the cost :)

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I train at a place on wellinton street in town near devonshire cat pub. Its a great gym to learn at and they have beginners sessions on Mon 8.30pm thurs 8.30pm Fri 7pm sun 12pm they also have a women only on thurs 7.30pm. Its about £4 per session. Check out the web site http://www.sheffieldkickboxing.com

Its a good mixed group of all ages shapes and sizes, everyone is really nice and will help you settle in. Even if you don't try this club try to pursue kick boxing as a hobby as you''ll notice an improvement in fitness, health and weight but most of all self confidence almost straight away!!

Good luck:thumbsup:

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hi there, if your looking for a beginer kickboxing class i may be able to help, if you know where birkdale school in broomhill is then i do a small class there thats open to anyone. im only a coach tho im not a full instructor as im not a black belt yet and im covering the class for the year while our instructor recovers from an injury. that means that untill i do my brown belt grading there isnt any sparring for insurance reasons. classes are tuesdays and thursdays 4pm till half 5 price is £2.50 or £3.00 one or other cant remember. if ur intrested our first session this year is on tuesday 24th jan in the main hall. we do kickboxing, bit if ju jitsu self defence and a bit of bjj (ground work). the class i have is between 12 and 16 years old an almost all of them only started in september.

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Sarah, Freddylee mentioned classes at Broomgrove Road in another thread - i think AFK (the gym mentioned on Wellington Street) run classes at Broomgrove Road. Try clicking on the link provided by sr1sag and maybe emailing them (the web site doesn't appear to mention any classes at Broomgrove Road, or at least not in the 'Training Times' section).

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Broomgrove road

thats just of eccllesall road

the building is a gym called sport hallam


you get FREE classes there if you have a "silver" membership

whatever that means :)



Phone 0114 2252449

They can help you as to what the exact location on broomgrove road is.

Begginer class is:


TUESDAY: 730pm and THURSDAY 730pm

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