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Kickboxing for beginners

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what part dont you believe ? i suspect you are quite new to the martial arts and a little nieve, but that's youre fault, what you need to do do some research. I'm not saying kickboxing is easy, you need a lot of stamina but its more of an aerobic work out or combat sport rather than a martial art, as for the WAKO bit just pick up Martial Arts Illustrated from your newsagent. but must of all check out your grading syllabus.

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eehehehe yay argument!!!

number1 i may be new but don't call me nieve darlin coz i'm far from it..number2 if i wanted people to give me advice i'd ask for it and number 3 instead of reading a magazine or speakin 2 u i'd ask people who know what they're talkin about :D



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Sorry didn't mean to offend you,:( theres a saying and it goes "you can only help some one if they want to help themselves". and youre quite right don't just take my word for it search for yourself but if you ask a so called kickboxing instructor they will tell you what they want you to hear, look further afield.;)

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sara babe come wednesday u wont be on oyur own your not shy from what ive seen loll

Cavegirl just a bit amused by your comments say kickboxing is just cardio and not a real martial art?????:hihi:


im not gona dis other mrtials but what do u class as martial arts?? those that you learn a fighing technique but never actually know how to use it real life?


well at least you made me smile today:D

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it isnt real martial art you usually find instructors that couldn't make the grade in a traditional martial art i.e. Karate , kung fu, tae kwon do (


what is a 'real martial art', and if kickboxing isn't one,what is it?


also, so what? some 'real martial artists' (i.e. traditional) entered early UFC's - look what happened there...

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barracuda---no that shows ignorance not naivitiy..if you don't understand what the word means i suggest looking it up in a dictionary!:D


LOL no worries cavegal but don't do it again or i'l get errm sonny on ya hahaahaha...and if farhad was, as u put, a 'so-called instructor', then i wouldn't be attending his classes so to put it very bluntely your talking crap:) hehe...oh and using stupid saying u make your point doesn't work so stop trying imply that i don't want to help myself ok :thumbsup:


Sonny---shut it u lol i'm very shy really :rolleyes: honest :P and yeah i'll probs come. Have they hired a room out or something? You coming tonight?


SARAH xxxx

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