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Kickboxing for beginners

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barracuda---no that shows ignorance not naivitiy..if you don't understand what the word means i suggest looking it up in a dictionary!:D


LOL no worries cavegal but don't do it again or i'l get errm sonny on ya hahaahaha...and if farhad was, as u put, a 'so-called instructor', then i wouldn't be attending his classes so to put it very bluntely your talking crap:) hehe...oh and using stupid saying u make your point doesn't work so stop trying imply that i don't want to help myself ok :thumbsup:


Sonny---shut it u lol i'm very shy really :rolleyes: honest :P and yeah i'll probs come. Have they hired a room out or something? You coming tonight?


SARAH xxxx


hi everyone i'm not naming any instructors or clubs, i mean i can't know the background of everyone that claims to be a martial arts coach :o i'm just stating the obvious.

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what is a 'real martial art', and if kickboxing isn't one,what is it?


also, so what? some 'real martial artists' (i.e. traditional) entered early UFC's - look what happened there...


Anvil your right a lot of traditional martial artists were badly beaten at early UFCs however it was I think Royce Gracie that dominated the arena and again wasn't his foundation in a traditional art Ju jitsu ?


And as for kickboxing it is more of a combat sport as is boxing, fantastic to watch or train in however very impractical if your on the floor or in a bar or sat on a bus i mean theres no room to swing a punch or kick ! ;)

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why do you say that an instructor with a KARATE black belt is mroe reputable at teaching kickboxing???


doesnt make sense really :P


surely anyone with sense would want to learn kickboxing off a KICKBOXER not a karate guy or taekwondo guy who simply sees kickboxing as karate minus the katas (which to me are outdated anyway)

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No youre missing the point, any one can teach kickboxing you don't need a qualification tthere are so many associations out there just after license fees that you can go to decathlon buy a black belt and set up your own class teaching your own syllabus, but if the instructor had a black belt i tae kwon do, or something similiar and had some basic knowledge of boxing then they would be far better to learn from than joe bloggs that had set his own class up . :rolleyes:

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but what if the instructor had acvtually been graded thru a mdoern kickboxing syllabus to black belt ?


and what if he had already competed in kickboxing (and were talkign about proper full contact bouts ) as well as haivng been thru the syllabus as well as the ringsport?


suppose he has also promoted shows?

suppose he has judged and reffed at tournaments and also at big events?


all that compared to a karate guy with a bit of boxing knowledge?

No contest!


the real kickboxer anyday!

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if you look at top kickboxers coaches or competitors since the birth of the sport in the 70s you'll find that the bigest majority have a traditional martial arts foundation,(black belt) start at Benny the jet then work your way through bill wallace chuck norris and the rest then finnish with the ki fighters such as pele reid ( or the Thai fighters );)

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Oh i forgot to ask whats a modern syllabus combination punches and kicks and loads of exercises, i cuold teach a novice that syllabus in less than a year, but try teaching some one 7 or 8 katas /poms then you would know what i mean.:|

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