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Kickboxing for beginners

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Razor Adam is only a young lad and cant handle these late nights :P


You what!? I'm notorious for doing University work 39 hours straight with no breaks. Last night was Mickey Mouse stuff to me. I was quiet for a number of reasons:


1) I knew that the next day I would be doing an all-nighter for University work (which is what I'm doing right now).


2) I knew I'd get little sleep and had an early lecture to look forward to.


3) I craved chocolate and knew I wouldn't be getting any that night.


4) I consumed too much alcohol.


5) I'm an introvert and keep myself to myself therefore am regularly quiet.


6) I was upset.


The social was an excellent night out :thumbsup: I'm already looking forward to the next one...


Now to do this all-nighter :gag:

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Hmmm OK .

Anyway back to kickboxing for beginners then Sarah and Adam?

Oh and nothing happened on that social did it Sunny?


Here goes :


Beginners , your choice whether you prefer a sports centre based class or a boxing gym based one (with all the bags and speedballs etc)


Wellington Street Boxing Gym :

MONDAY 830-930PM (Taught by myself)

THURSDAY 830-930PM (Taught by Mark Howarth)

FEMALE ONLY = THURSDAY 730-830PM (Taught by Mark and Kathryn )

FRIDAY 6-7 = JUNIORS/FAMILY CLASS / ADULT BEGINNERS (tends to be people who come with youner brothers/kids)

SUNDAY 12-130PM = Same as Friday , Taught by Andy Lacey (Also known as Big Andy)


Sheffield Hallam University:


Ring 0114 2252449 To book yourself a place.

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Pain in the ass.

We have champions , we also have a multitude of kickboxers who have actually kickboxed in the ring (as opposed to the stuff on the mats that seems to be the rage at a lot of karate orientated "kickboxing" clubs).

You know how to find us if you want a good spar.

Strangely enough we now have started getting a lot of people crossing over from boxing as kickboxing is easily more exciting.



I have mixed feelings with regard to female only classes. I think its all about giving people what they want.Life is all about choices.

Two of my instructors teach female classes at the gym, I used to as well put soon integrated my female only class to a mixed class. You dont always get the numbers in female only classes and those most likely to stay tend to drift towards the mixed classes. Mind you they are good for absolute beginners.

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