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Kickboxing for beginners

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well, thanks i think iwill, however further to my search i have asked one asian boy with brown eyes and he says that afk is a very good gym for beginners with worthy champions, as his chinese friend with black hair tells me that the wicker camp is the place that the experts go to. a small boy who lives near me with a short limbs argues that the abduller brothers of sheffield kung foo can not kick over a sandcastle, but who's younger sister with a wobbly tooth would not seriously recommend kondy ryu people....she learnt more moves in 12 minutes from E Honda on her cousins nintendo!! Help i'm confused!!:huh:

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Pain in the Ass,

Asian boy with brown eyes? That narrows it down somewhat as does his chinese friend with black hair. Can I ask you a question, I am not totally devoid of humour but are you serious? Or on the other hand are you "having a giraffe mate" to quote the old cockney saying.

Translated into English " have a giraffe" = Have a laugh (larff to our southern cousins).

Wicker camp is an excellent Muay thai gym as opposed to a kickboxing club.


AFK is very good for beginners I will say again I am confident that I teach good technique and even absolute starters have their faults corrected as opposed to some clubs where they concentrate on the fighters and just take everyone elses money and let them do what they want .


My grading syllabus has very high standards and the beginners find that after their first couple of gradings that they are already capable of showing a high standard of technique.


As for the Abdulla brothers, Graham Abdulla was a renowed semi contact points fighter in the 80's but then again points fighting is about as far removed from kickboxing as cricket is from rugby. Adrian Abdulla ? Hand on my heart I had never heard of the character in any capacity whatsoever. The first I had ever heard of anyone by the name of Adrian Abdulla was when a well known trouble maker by the name of Shamraiz had stated that the aforementioned had made a few rather negative and disrespectful (not to mention unprofessional) comments about myself. Comments that in my professional opinion he was totally unqualified to make a statement on. I first dismissed the comment as Shamraiz is well known for not being the most truthful of people. Then further comments were passed to me by reliable sources and I came to the conclusion that there is no smoke without fire.


As for Kondei Ryu, he used to have two fighters of note. Pete Leaviss and Amjed Shaffique. Pete Leaviss has now joined the army and Amjed Shaffique now trains at AFK and I am proud to say that I can call Amjed a good friend.


As for E Honda, hmmm no way. Ryu kicks ass everytime, Ryu was my role model.

Regards and good luck with your search. If you pop by then introduce yourself but by no means am I going to beg you to join us :)


Farhad Ali

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sorry i do not have any giraffe mates, but did once visit a friendly one in a zoo stood next to a tall grey elephant with a long lingering trunk, as i approached his friend (the one with the big floppy ears) he pointed me in the direction of a poorly postured white boy with rosy cheeks and yellow teeth. When i quetioned deeply the boy about the martial matters, he revealed the story of a mystical fighter venturing through the martial realms on a 33-0 flawless journey!! He is said to hold the belief that this >fine weathered warrior< is the one who must be beaten to earn the title of 'all sheffield master'. He talks of others one must defeat to gain the all conquering journey, but will say no more unless brought a pack of 4 red jawbreakers:loopy: I will never surrender!

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Pain in the Ass

Hmm a most interesting account of things. Just out of curiosity, do you do kickboxing already? It would be most interesting to find out who you are. As for the fighter with 33-0 record, might you be referring to Sunny "The Snake" Singh?

I must however thank you once again for the compliments you have paid my club assuming that this is your most honest opinion. Perhaps I will be granted this pleasure when you present yourself at AFK in person.

Yours in martial arts

Farhad Ali

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yes it is my opinion of truth, thankyou for your kind offer, but i have been advised by the allseeing old woman who rides go-kart with white stick, that i shall only appear in sheffield clubs for charity matches only (£59 at least) in which i must only fight for the 'sheffield all master' title. I cannot and willnot fail.

i would also be most interested however in knowing who was revealed as the quest 6 'all master' champion last nite. a most worthy show let down by a complete void of advertisement by internet, this divulged to me by a middle aged christian man with small wooden cross mounted on a silver necklace.:help:

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Ok pain in the ass. I wish you the best of luck in your "Quest" young warrior with a very active imagination and even more active typing fingers.




Ok let me get back to the main topic for this thread.

AFK Beginners classes are as follows.




Wellington Street Boxing Gym :

MONDAY 830-930PM (Taught by myself)

THURSDAY 830-930PM (Taught by Mark Howarth)

FEMALE ONLY = THURSDAY 730-830PM (Taught by Mark and Kathryn )

FRIDAY 6-7 = JUNIORS/FAMILY CLASS / ADULT BEGINNERS (tends to be people who come with youner brothers/kids)

SUNDAY 12-130PM = Same as Friday , Taught by Andy Lacey (Also known as Big Andy)


Sheffield Hallam University:


Ring 0114 2252449 To book yourself a place.

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ok chefkicker i understand the direction you wish to travel, although i disappointed you do not reveal to me any of the details from the quest 6 cagewarriors show. I leave you with a thought shared with me by Sarahboob, who filled me with praise for your kb academy, she has a suggestion that any champion in sheffield should fight any other champion or title pretender to raise money for charity in what should be billed as the 'all sheffield master' championship, it should be held on at the wellington boot boxing club. i to bring the trophies and compete for the title...i to invite Mr JD as first of my victims


2 facts:


1.AFK best kb club in sheffield


2.P.I.T.A 'all sheffield master' unitil defeated

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