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Kickboxing for beginners

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HAHAHHAHAA...yes farhad ur just a big distraction in my life LOL.


Trust me adam i know what i'm doing ;) and i know what i want and what i need to do it so don't worry but cheers for ur advice anyway :thumbsup:


I'll see u on thursday if not before!!! i shal be there don't worry, i know kickboxing isn't the same without me ahahahaha :hihi:



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See you on Thursday Sarahbabe im sure the lads will miss you greatly :thumbsup: . Me especially, you know your doing something right when you can distract girls over a decade younger :D


I was actually out with Razor Adam this weekend you know?

Also its Waynes 22nd birthday on Saturday.

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I should hope so, youre fighting Hamza from Derby in your first fight you know?

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Been nice knowing you


Correction; one of my first fights, not the first actual fight ;)


Been nice knowing me... Why? I'm not going anywhere after the fight you know :thumbsup:

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Hi, id really like to have a go at kickboxing as i heard its a great way to tone up and can be fun.:) I'm also interested from a self defense perspective. :suspect: I've never tried kickboxing before though and i dont take regular exercise, although im not overweight and totally inactive. If i went to a beginners class what should i expect?

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Hi, id really like to have a go at kickboxing as i heard its a great way to tone up and can be fun.:) I'm also interested from a self defense perspective. :suspect: I recently got into a situation where id have benefitted from some self defense. I've never tried kickboxing before though and i dont take regular exercise, although im not overweight and totally inactive. If i went to a beginners class what should i expect?


Hi Catt

Welcome to the AFK Kickboxing message board.

Kickboxing is good for all of the above fitness, self defense and fun. you will find that it tones up every muscle of your body including those that you never knew that you had.

As a beginner in the beginners class you should expect the following:

Firstly you will be nervous as it will be the first time you have ever done something like this, everybody starts somewhere me included.


1. Warming up = Most of them warm up by means of skipping (which is good for all round cardio and for coordination and timing) .


2.Stretching = At AFK we only use SAFE stretching methods. Most of the old fashioned stretching exercises that are used at a lot of traditional martial arts clubs ( and many of the clubs that use the name "kickboxing" but really are not) are actually ineffective and can actually be dangerous for your long term health i.e. your joints and hamstrings.

Any club that use "heavy" stretching or "static" stretches at the beginning are most likely taught by an idiot who doesnt understand sports science.


I can talk forever about safe stretching but I dont want to bore the readers :D


3. Basics=

The first thing I will show you is how to stand properly and how to move forwards and backwards the same way a Boxer does. Boxing and Kickboxing are very similar with respect to stance , footwork and punches , only kickboxing also uses the rest of the body.

Then you will be taught basic punches and kicks (possibly even Knees and Elbows too).


4. Power Development=

This is bagwork done with a partner , one partner holds the punchbag for support while the other punches it. You will be taught all the different punches and combination of punches.


5.Padwork= A variety of pads are used, Focus mitts , Thai pads and Kick shields. All are held and used for a variety of techniques: Punches , Kicks, Knees Elbows.


6. Defensive Techniques

You will be taught defenses against punches and kicks or self defense techniques.


7.Cool down and Stretch off


Each lesson Varies so I couldnt put too much about each part. Some lessons emphasise punches, some kicks some knees and elbows.


You will always get however:

Warm up(Skip and Stretch) , Pad/Bagwork , Cool down which all in all caters for the 3 S's Strength , Suppleness, Stamina


Hope this answers your questions.

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My word, i just visited your site and the guest book entries are a bit scary!!!:o :o :o I guess you cant help what people write!?


I'm coming on Thursday to the womens session.:)



I'm a bit nervous so be nice to me....:|

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