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9/11 anniversary

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I certainly don't buy into any of the conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks but an 'attack on freedom itself? C'mon that's just meaningless rhetoric.


It is, and it's a disgrace that people still use such simplistic rhetoric to explain something that has a complex and bloody history.

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I just wanted to get a thread started today as the world remembers the horrific events which took place exactly eleven years ago. Feel free to leave any memories or comments.


My memory of it is coming home from school and seeing it unfold live on television.


However, I also wanted to address the people out there who consistently feel the need to jam so-called 'conspiracy theories' down our throats. I don't believe there was any conspiracy behind it. I believe what I saw: a horrific, cowardly attack on freedom itself. It was not an inside job. Anyone who believes that dribble needs to take a long, hard look at themselves.


And I am also fed up with people who say 'it was 11 years ago, get over it!' The holocaust was 70 years ago. Should people get over that too?


And finally, to all those who go on about the US wanting oil and to go to war, why on earth would they kill thousands of innocent people like that just so they can start a war?

Myself, I think the war has been pointless anyway. Trying to fix these backwards countries is a lost cause.


Anyway, that's my little speech over. God rest all those who died.


Did you post this thread for people to leave their respects to the dead?,or to start a conspiracy argument?,I would go for the latter!.

Pathetic and ignorant really.

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While many of the conspiracy theories may be implausible (I haven't looked at 9/11 as a whole in that much depth... like most people), I don't think the blowback theory is. It's a term used openly by the CIA and it can explain (if not condone) the actions of 9/11 far more rationally than "they hate us for our freedom so they attacked us".


Terrorist attacks don't come out of nowhere. They are often reactionary and linked to prior events. Too many people think the clock started ticking on 9/11, as if an attack on US soil is somehow the initial declaration of war.


Bin Laden and his coterie made it quite clear what their aggravation was with the US. That doesn't mean we should have submitted to his will, but again, it goes some way to explain WHY there was such a violent reaction that culminated in the events of 9/11.


There is little debate that the US adopted an aggressive, pre-emptive foreign policy under Bush, and the so-called "neocons" that dominated the US administration during the Bush era were not coy about their globalist intentions, they submitted numerous papers outlining their agenda.


You have to be willing to accept that blowback is inevitable from such a policy. This is not terrorist sympathising, it's simply "A leads to B", "what goes around comes around". It's not rocket science.


Is it possible, just for once that we keep this thread focused on the tragic events of that day, the thousands who died and the many more who are still bereaved or suffering the physicall after effects? ? ? ?


Getting into ancient discussions about Bush's policy just isnt relevent

If you want to discuss that topic... again. start another thread but please show some respect on this thread.



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Is it possible, just for once that we keep this thread focused on the tragic events of that day, the thousands who died and the many more who are still bereaved or suffering the physicall after effects? ? ? ?


Getting into ancient discussions about Bush's policy just isnt relevent

If you want to discuss that topic... again. start another thread but please show some respect on this thread.




Sorry, but I see examining the root causes of the event, in the spirit of minimising the possibility of it happening again, as a far deeper form of respect for the victims than spouting the same old emotive rhetoric.

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Yes we should show some respect and also to the many individuals that died as a consequence of the US and allied invasion of Iraq whether it be soldiers or civilians.


Doesn't mean because we are showing some respect for the 9/11 victims of whom many were of different nationalities and religions/non religions that we don't care about the soldiers and civilians following the invasion.

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Sorry, but I see examining the root causes of the event, in the spirit of minimising the possibility of it happening again, as a far deeper form of respect for the victims than spouting the same old emotive rhetoric.


Thanks for nothing :gag: but rather somewhat expected as regards your original post.


As a Uk born expat I sincerely hope and pray that nothing like 9/11 ever happens on your shores for which I still have a lot of sentiment and again open a new thread on Bush if the urge really grabs you

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