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9/11 anniversary

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Doesn't mean because we are showing some respect for the 9/11 victims of whom many were of different nationalities and religions/non religions that we don't care about the soldiers and civilians following the invasion.


I dont know about the UK and how the military authorities treat their wounded veterans from the two wars that followed 9/11 but the soldiers here get a lot of respect and appreciation

Triple amputees, those who have lost both legs and one arm or lost both arms and one leg get a brand new home fitted with an elevator if it's a two story house

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We were actualy at florida on a 3 week holiday in a villa when it happend and due to fly home on the morning of the 11th.but because we had gone under our own steam booked our own flights. villa. wheelchair van. ect and not done it with an holiday company we were stuck we couldnt get a flight home for love nore money.

We had to stay a further 2 weeks until they could get us home as the holiday companys saw to there own first.

The other family couldnt get into florida so we were allowed to stay in the villa.

Virgin came up trumps in the end when they found out we had our sevearly disabled son with us .

We drove to the airport every day hoping to get a flight it paid off in the end as we were spotted by a virgin member of staff who helped us so much.

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Thanks for nothing :gag: but rather somewhat expected as regards your original post.


As a Uk born expat I sincerely hope and pray that nothing like 9/11 ever happens on your shores for which I still have a lot of sentiment and again open a new thread on Bush if the urge really grabs you


Hope and prayer won't change what might well be inevitable, but I honestly appreciate the sentiment, and of course nobody wants another attack which is why we ought to examine carefully the foreign policy of whoever we vote in.


It's not irrelevant, Harleyman. Every 9/11 anniversary is a stark reminder that we don't know enough about what causes these events.

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I was working for a US owned company at the time, I'd only just been to visit the US parent company a couple of month earlier and we had a few American personnel here in Sheffield.

The rumours started when when I was at work, an aircraft had crashed into the WTC. Jesus what a terrible accident was the first thought of everybody. We soon learnt of the second hit and then we knew it wasn't an accident. Everyone was desperate for information but the BBC website soon went down, and access to others was slow and patchy. Went home after work, ran in to the house for the telly, wasn't prepared at all for what I was about to see. I can only describe it as apocalyptic. People at work were in shock for days, we just couldn't believe what we'd seen, like a surreal horror movie we'd all seen. I try not to think about it to much and avoid the annual documentaries as it I always well up at the thought of what happened that day. RIP to all 9/11 victims.

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I saw the second plane hit the building as it actually happened. Myself and a couple of my crew had just entered a restaurant for a mornig cup of coffee before starting work.

When we came into the restaurant the place was in an uproar with every body shouting and staring at the TV


My reaction was one of intense rage and so many people were saying that this was nothing less than a declaration of war. Since an attempt already had been made to blow up the World Trade Center back in the 1990s it didnt take much guesswork to know who was responsible.


My attitude afterwards was that if you would visit death and destruction in my land then it must be delivered twicefold on the rock you're hiding under.


A very normal reaction I think. I'm sure the Polish in 1939, the Russians in 1941 and the Americans after Pearl Harbour must have thought much the same.


You sow the seeds and reap the whirlwind so to speak.

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Hope and prayer won't change what might well be inevitable, but I honestly appreciate the sentiment, and of course nobody wants another attack which is why we ought to examine carefully the foreign policy of whoever we vote in.


It's not irrelevant, Harleyman. Every 9/11 anniversary is a stark reminder that we don't know enough about what causes these events.


I know enough to say that the perpetrators were a bunch of slimy cowardly suicidal Gits brainwashed by fanatical old men with beards who were themselves safely hidden away.

That's all I need to know.

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I know enough to say that the perpetrators were a bunch of slimy cowardly suicidal Gits brainwashed by fanatical old men with beards who were themselves safely hidden away.

That's all I need to know.


No it isn't all you need to know. There are religious and political motivations. While the first is obvious, the second is perilously ignored and just as, if not more important. It's a good job the CIA, historians or other analysts don't take your attitude. Stick your head in the sand if it makes you feel better, but some of us want definitive answers so we can work out the best way to minimise the chance of it happening again.


Every tragedy should be an awakening. 9/11 is no exception.

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Is it possible, just for once that we keep this thread focused on the tragic events of that day, the thousands who died and the many more who are still bereaved or suffering the physicall after effects? ? ? ?


Getting into ancient discussions about Bush's policy just isnt relevent

If you want to discuss that topic... again. start another thread but please show some respect on this thread.




In which case you need to be having a dig at the op. The thread was laughingly disguised as a 'Respect' thread. The OP introduced the "conspiracy" element with a rant. Anyone questioning the particulars of that rant is well within the topic..

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Seems like it happend just a year ago to me, then speaking to a young girl at work, she said I don't remember it I was six at the time, OMG did I feel old.
Forgive me Miss Daisy, far be it from me to reflect on a lady's age but chuffin 'ell that's hardly a revelation ;) KK
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