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That old outside lav


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Oh the nostalgia.... You woke up in the morning, snug in bed. Most of you was warm enough but your nose-end was freezing. You could see a layer of ice on the inside of the the bedroom window, beyond which was a Christmas-card scene of snow lying deep and crisp and even. Grabbing a pullover you went down the stairs (two flights in our case - No 20 Dykes Hall Road was a cellar-kitchen house) and across the yard to the sub-zero outside lav. Someone had used the last square of Daily Herald from the nail on the back of the door and, of course, the Tilley lamp had gone out during the night and the cistern was frozen solid. Back to bed, having paused to put a match to the fire that had been laid the night before, hoping that by the time you had to get up for school the living-room would be several degrees above zero. The good old days!.:rolleyes:


Boy, you were posh Hillsbro. We had to make do with the Sunday Pictorial, which had to last all week!

You also forgot to put on your 'jerkin'. Don't hear of them any more, do we?

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I remember arriving home one winters night from a drunken night out in the Heartbeat club Queens rd paying a visit to our outside ( BOG ) and waking up on the floor around 6.30am with my STRIDES (trousers) around my ankles I must have fallen trying to reach the RAIDIO TIMES which was on a nail on the back of the door I don't think I have ever been as cold as i was on that occasion needless to say I required a bath after this ordeal but this was also a chore TIN BATH days just another flash back don't EVER use the front cover of the Radio Times it was shiny and slid up your back I also used to roll the pages into tight balls to make them crinkly to get a better grip of things we also had two council road lamps ESSO BLUE paraffin days to TRY and keep the frost at bay the young uns to-day have never lived hard times but HAPPY DAYS.

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Boy, you were posh Hillsbro. We had to make do with the Sunday Pictorial
...I know - we were the envy of the neighbourhood with their News of the Worlds etc. Sometimes we even used Picture Post. But then we got temporarily upstaged by the posh folk at No 14 when they started using toilet rolls. So we got some posher ones.
...You also forgot to put on your 'jerkin'. Don't hear of them any more, do we?
My goodness I'd forgotten - I had a corduroy jerkin that I went to school in. I doubt if it would have kept much of the cold out though (especially after the zip bust) but it was usually scruffy enough for me to blend in with the hoi polloi...


The outside lav came in handy when we held a jumble sale in the yard to raise funds for a local charity - with secondhand clothes hung all along the washing line, the loo was the "fitting room". :)

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Of course there was always the cowards way out , The chamber pot (poe) under the bed.

A great invention as long as you didn't kick it with your toe's getting into bed , and were brass necked enough to carry it across the yard the next morning..

Even at School there were out side toilets. usually at the edge of the playground,with a roof that only covered the stalls for the boys.

Remember the chain pull flusher and those strips of smooth wood screwed to either side of pot....

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But thinking back, we never had any plumbing problems with those outside lavs using the pull chain to flush those newspapers down, now we have those delicate dam water saving lavs that only like "special" toilet paper, even the lavs want Molly coddling now a days.:roll:

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