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That old outside lav


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I remember those days in England in the 60s Broomspring Lane, 2 up 2 down. The toilet was across the yard, we endured all the things just mentioned, plus rats! :o Yes the biggest rats you'd ever seen, one night a furry warm body ran over my foot while I was sat on the toilet. I ran across that yard still pulling my trousers up. Was I ever glad when we got a home in Stocksbridge, we were

n't lucky enough to get a house on the Cross. :(


Does tha remember coming to our house when we lived in back to back on Slitting Mill Lane? We had thunderbox at end of yard and when we moved in 1955 the loo was still on back yard but it was proper toilet and next to back door. We also got a proper bath with hot and cold running water and an electric washing machine with wringer. We didn't get toilet moved inside until 1976:roll: Tha wouldn't want to live on t'cross now cuz. It's not same as when your mum and dad lived there

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When you think about it, THE STAR was useful back then. As above, plus screwing up and knotting the pages to get the fire lighted, a double page spread to hold over the shovel to 'draw' the fire....... wrapping for the chips, wrapping and storing the glass baubles off the Christmas tree, cleaning the windows......

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When you think about it, THE STAR was useful back then. As above, plus screwing up and knotting the pages to get the fire lighted, a double page spread to hold over the shovel to 'draw' the fire....... wrapping for the chips, wrapping and storing the glass baubles off the Christmas tree, cleaning the windows......


And spred out on the hearth when in chimney sweeper came, what a mess, we all had to get outof the house.......into the Sheffield "fresh" air :hihi:

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It's an owd 'un - it were in t' Twikker, c. 1967...:hihi:.:hihi:


Probably older than that, the T'Wicker was a Classic,worth waiting another year for.

One of my favourites, what is 12 inch long, 12 inch wide and 12 inch high, with short curly hairs on----- A pubic foot. Now thats old.

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