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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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When someone says something they believe to be true, it isn’t a lie.

I now know that he doesn’t want to force churches to marry anyone, but I did think that at the beginning of this topic.


A bit poor to take all day to cotton onto that one nevertheless.

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Just noticed this from earlier up the thread - you were talking about the anti - gay marriage people within the church.



They shouldn’t need a sensible reason for disagreeing with it, in their opinion their reason is sound.


Would you feel any differently if the churches refused to marry black couples?

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Just noticed this from earlier up the thread - you were talking about the anti - gay marriage people within the church.





Would you feel any differently if the churches refused to marry black couples?


No, nor white couples, pink couples or same sex couple, it should be their choice.

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That’s just your opinion, others have different opinions, you should just accept everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you can't accept it and are intolerant of those different opinion then you are a bigot. I respect your opinion even though different to mine.


with respect mr smth, that's complete cack - do you think that all opinions have equal weight? I don't - extreme right wing and religious beliefs are of less value than more mainstream views for instance - they are bigoted, that's what the word is for

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big·ot   [big-uht]


a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.



The real question is, does this actually apply to the people Clegg called bigots? Are they utterly intolerant of the opinions or beliefs of others? As far as I can see, the anti-gay marriage lobby are not utterly intolerant of other opinions, they're not even utterly intolerant of gay people. Have they ever said that proponents of gay marriage should not be allowed to voice their opinions? Or are they just voicing their own?

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