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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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No it doesn't. Correctly identifying a behaviour or trait is not intolerance.

What make you think that you have correctly identified my behaviour, and you clearly used the word idiot in a vain attempt to insult me?

Accurately saying that you're being an idiot isn't demonstrating an inability or unwillingness to put up with it, quite the opposite.


When you resort to insults it clearly demonstrates your intolerance of someone.



Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own

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But we arn't talking about what you would do.

How would you decide what was an idiotic manner, what would they have to do for you to come to the conclusion that they are stupid.


It doesn't really matter does it. You're defending the right of people to have opinions, even when they're offensive (for example that gay people should be unable to marry).


You quickly change your tune though when the opinion is that you're being stupid!


Do you see the irony here.



  • A speech is published where someone identifies a particular opinion as being symptomatic of bigotry, you call that person a bigot (later retracted)
  • Later on in the thread, your opinion is said to be idiotic, you call the person who says this a bigot.

By your logic you're being intolerant of the opinion that you were being idiotic, so you've now identified yourself as a bigot. Circular again as anyone who disagrees with any opinion (no matter whether justified or not) will be a bigot, and so everyone is a bigot and the word is meaningless.

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What make you think that you have correctly identified my behaviour, and you clearly used the word idiot in a vain attempt to insult me?

No, I didn't.

Obviously it's my opinion though, opinions you were defending a few seconds ago as sacrosanct from intolerance (ie disagreement).



When you resort to insults it clearly demonstrates your intolerance of someone.



Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own

You appear to be intolerant of my belief that you're an idiot.

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Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own


That's a very poor definition BTW



: unable or unwilling to endure



a : unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters

b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted



: exhibiting physiological intolerance <lactose intolerant>

in·tol·er·ant·ly adverb

in·tol·er·ant·ness noun

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You started off the entire thread labouring under a similar misapprehension that it was bigoted to identify an opinion as making someone a bigot.

No I didn't, and I have already explained this to you.


I think you're just demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding of what intolerance and bigotry are.


I accept your opinion and I would dream of calling you an idiot for thinking it because unlike you I'm not bigoted.

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No I didn't, and I have already explained this to you.

Yes, you did. You then accepted that you were wrong, and you're a better person for it.



I accept your opinion and I would dream of calling you an idiot for thinking it because unlike you I'm not bigoted.

Clearly you don't accept my opinion, you've called me bigoted because I hold that opinion.


To use your own words


"What make you think that you have correctly identified my behaviour, and you clearly used the word bigot in a vain attempt to insult me?"


We can keep going around in circles as long as you like. The difference between us is that I can see how circular this is, and you apparently don't get it.

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It doesn't really matter does it. You're defending the right of people to have opinions, even when they're offensive (for example that gay people should be unable to marry).




It’s just your opinion that it’s offence; some people don't think it is offensive and they are entitled to their opinion, you can accept it or act in a bigoted way and demonstrate intolerance towards them.

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No, I didn't.

Obviously it's my opinion though, opinions you were defending a few seconds ago as sacrosanct from intolerance (ie disagreement).

You appear to be intolerant of my belief that you're an idiot.


Yes it’s your opinion and you are entitled to it, as I said before I wouldn't stoop so low as to insult you for holding that opinion because unlike you I'm not bigoted.

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You wouldn't stoop so low as to insult me, but you'll call me a bigot...


Let me just clarify that, if I say "idiot" it's intolerance, but if you say "bigot" it's not?


You're a bigot by your own definition (but not mine), by my definition you're being an idiot.

NB - "You are being an idiot", is not the same as "you are an idiot". The latter could be an insult if not supported by evidence, the former is an assessment of the argument you are currently failing to make.

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