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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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It’s not an insult it’s just the word that is used to describe your intolerance toward me for holding an opinion that differs from yours.


Idiot isn't an insult. It's just the word that is used to describe the argument you're failing to make.


And around and around we go.

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So if you claim that you are not being an idiot then you are a) unwilling to accept my opinion as correct and thus b) a bigot.


Do you accept that you are being an idiot?


Whether your opinion is correct or not is irrelevant, you are entitled to it, I’m not intolerant of you for holding it because I’m not bigoted.

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I fully understand thanks, and the fact you think I'm annoying you, demonstrates some intolerance towards me because of my opinion, so by definition you are a bigot.


This what I described as idiotic.


You're claim that someone being annoyed by you making little sense demonstrated intolerance towards you.


You're desperately trying to make out that you're the victim of intolerance, when the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) post of the thread is you demonstrating intolerance of Nick Cleggs opinion. It's laughable.

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Whether your opinion is correct or not is irrelevant, you are entitled to it, I’m not intolerant of you for holding it because I’m not bigoted.


Can't you answer a simple question?


Do you accept that you were being an idiot?


Or are you for ever more going to decline to disagree with any opinion for fear that you will have immediately labelled yourself a bigot (by your own definition only of course).

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Yes, I read it the first time. It wasn't what you actually said though originally was it.




It was a justification you later used so that you could retract this nonsense.


I already explained that as well and accepted it that I hadn't written it in a way that reflected what I thought, you should really read the answers to your earlier questions because you keep asking the same questions over and over.

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Don't worry, I read it.


Yes, you retracted your comment. Wasn't that exactly what I said you'd done? Or are you now claiming that retracting the statement doesn't acknowledge that the statement was wrong? (And it was your statement right, you typed it)...

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