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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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a stupid person.


So you don't consider calling someone stupid an insult?



A person who is bigoted.

You don't consider calling someone bigoted an insult?


You're double standards are amazing, it's a wonder your head doesn't implode from maintaining them all at once :hihi:

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You're desperately trying to make out that you're the victim of intolerance, when the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) post of the thread is you demonstrating intolerance of Nick Cleggs opinion. It's laughable.


How did I demonstrate intolerance to his opinion, an opinion that I later found out he didn't hold.


I didn't insult him, I didn't call him stupid or an idiot.

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How did I demonstrate intolerance to his opinion, an opinion that I later found out he didn't hold.

By calling him a bigot for holding it, although that wasn't actually what you did, but was (so you claim) what you intended to do.


I didn't insult him, I didn't call him stupid or an idiot.

You called him a bigot. Which is equally insulting as being called an idiot (not that anyone has been called an idiot).

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Can't you answer a simple question?


Do you accept that you were being an idiot?


Or are you for ever more going to decline to disagree with any opinion for fear that you will have immediately labelled yourself a bigot (by your own definition only of course).

Disagreeing with an opinion doesn't make one a bigot, one would have to be intolerant of the person holding that opinion, I'm not intolerant of you, I quite enjoy our little chats.

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If I'd called you an idiot then you might have a point. But only if this weren't the case.




But I didn't.


I said you were being an idiot, do you see the difference?


In what way was I being an idiot? I was just expressing my opinion, why did you feel the need to say I was being an idiot for holding that opinion.

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You don't consider calling someone bigoted an insult?


You're double standards are amazing, it's a wonder your head doesn't implode from maintaining them all at once :hihi:


It’s not an insult when it’s used in the correct context, it’s only becomes an insult when it is used in the wrong context.

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