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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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Glad to see MrSmith has driven this well off-topic.


It’s on topic; the premise of the topic is bigotry, and it is not I that has steered the thread in this direction, I accepted I was wrong many pages ago, but several members just don't appear to be able to let it drop. Your comment for instance has just steered off topic.

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Easy;when it's an idiotic opinion.


A little more detail would help me understand, simply stating its idiotic just because it’s different to your opinion doesn’t help, imagine if everyone called everyone else an idiot just for expressing a different opinion, the forum would turn to anarchy. I find it best to avoid potentially inflammatory words because they distract from the discussion. I only used the word bigot because it is the premise of the topic.

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I'm expressing my opinion that the opinion you expressed was idiotic, if you continue to question it so forcefully then I can only assume that you're intolerant of it and thus a bigot.


I'm not questioning it, just expressing my opinion that it demonstrated some intolerance toward me.

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That's not why I said you were being an idiot, that was because you were happy that you're obstinacy and misuse of English was winding someone up. Trolling for want of a better term, and trolling is being an idiot.


I didn't claim to be misusing the English language or that I was happy it was winding anyone up, has far as I am aware I’m using the word correctly has per its definition.

Trolling is posting potentially inflammatory insults on a forum, like saying someone is being an idiot.

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Mr Smiths position at the moment seems to be that to challenge his opinion makes you intolerant and a bigot, but he's allowed to challenge your opinion so long as he does so whilst declaring (in classic double speak) that he accepts it.

How this applies to your hypothetical friend and to opinions that actually should be challenged I don't know...


No it isn't, my position is that by saying I am being an idiot you demonstrated some intolerance to my opinion, thereby making you a bigot.


You challenged my opinion on Cleg, I revaluated my opinion based on new information and changed my opinion, you then demonstrated some intolerance towards me because of my opinion on another post.

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