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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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I haven’t said Halibut isn’t entitled to an opinion or that opinions shouldn’t be challenged; this is something you have imagined.

No I haven't. Every time your opinion has been challenged in this thread you've accused the person of intolerance and called them a bigot.

Yes you misunderstood, which is something you do quite frequently, considering your superior intellect.

We could analyse this problem as follows;

a) I frequently misunderstand you, so do quite a few other people.

b) I don't frequently misunderstand anyone else.


So where is the problem? Me or you?

I also defend your right to hold the opinion that people with less English comprehension than yourself are idiots.

Whatever rocks your boat.

I'm glad you'll defend my right to have an opinion, at least we agree that people are allowed their own opinions.

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No I haven't. Every time your opinion has been challenged in this thread you've accused the person of intolerance and called them a bigot.

We could analyse this problem as follows;

a) I frequently misunderstand you, so do quite a few other people.

b) I don't frequently misunderstand anyone else.


So where is the problem? Me or you?

I'm glad you'll defend my right to have an opinion, at least we agree that people are allowed their own opinions.


Dyslexia is not a disease. It's a condition that you are born with, and it often runs in families. People with dyslexia are not stupid or lazy. Most have average or above-average intelligence, and they work very hard to overcome their learning problems.


It’s clearly not my fault that I have this condition.



Contrary to popular misconception, Dyslexia is not only about literacy, although weaknesses in literacy are often the most visible sign. Dyslexia affects the way information is processed, stored and retrieved, with problems of memory, speed of processing, time perception, organisation and sequencing.



I inform all uses on SF of my disability with every post I make.



Now if you choose to use your abilities to ridicule or insult someone with lesser abilities, instead of using them to compensate for their lesser abilities, then I would say the fault is yours.



Many members are able to understand what I type, maybe they put more effort into understanding it, and very few choose to call me an idiot.



Shall we start again?


You think my interpretation of the word bigot is incorrect.


Intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself:


How would this intolerance manifest its self?


I’m going to use Garden Brown as an example, whilst talking to an old lady, probably with a lower cognitive ability than he has, she asked about immigration, for which he called her a bigot.


To me he demonstrated some intolerance towards her because of her opinion on immigration.



Intolerance, unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own:


To me this made him the bigot and not her; please explain why I am wrong?

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A person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Correctly identifying someone as a bigot is not demonstrating intolerance towards them.


I've explained this a dozen times now. Your argument is circular. You say that Gordon Brown is a bigot because he called someone a bigot. That makes you a bigot as you have just called GB a bigot (by your definition at least).


Having the opinion that someone is a bigot is not demonstrating intolerance or bigotry.


Re: Dyslexia, I have not once picked you up on spelling, grammar or punctuation. I can't be held responsible for you writing something other than what you mean. All I can do is respond to what you have actually written, not what you meant (because I cannot read your mind and so don't know that you meant something different).


If you refuse to be corrected and appear to say that your enjoying winding someone up then me saying that you are being an idiot is nothing to do with your dyslexia or intolerance, it's my opinion of the behaviour you are exhibiting at the time.

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Correctly identifying someone as a bigot is not demonstrating intolerance towards them.


I've explained this a dozen times now. Your argument is circular. You say that Gordon Brown is a bigot because he called someone a bigot. That makes you a bigot as you have just called GB a bigot (by your definition at least).


Having the opinion that someone is a bigot is not demonstrating intolerance or bigotry.


Re: Dyslexia, I have not once picked you up on spelling, grammar or punctuation. I can't be held responsible for you writing something other than what you mean. All I can do is respond to what you have actually written, not what you meant (because I cannot read your mind and so don't know that you meant something different).


If you refuse to be corrected and appear to say that your enjoying winding someone up then me saying that you are being an idiot is nothing to do with your dyslexia or intolerance, it's my opinion of the behaviour you are exhibiting at the time.


You clearly didn't read all the post if you think dyslexia is just about spelling, grammar or punctuation.


Yet again you fail to correct me and just say I am wrong.


Garden Brown definitely appeared to be intolerant of her, and I don’t think he did correctly identify her has a bigot; she didn’t appear intolerant of anyone’s opinion.


How would the intolerance of a bigot manifest its self?

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Mod Note


I'm beginning to think this thread has run it's course as all you seem to be doing is arguing over the definition of a word, which is a different topic to the original.


As such I'm considering closing this.


Maybe you would like to start a new thread.

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Mod Note


I'm beginning to think this thread has run it's course as all you seem to be doing is arguing over the definition of a word, which is a different topic to the original.


As such I'm considering closing this.


Maybe you would like to start a new thread.



Sorry esme, I just want someone to explain why I am interpreting the definition incorrectly and how a bigot’s intolerance would manifest its self.


We are after all still on topic, because it’s about bigotry.

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Mod Note


Sorry esme, I just want someone to explain why I am interpreting the definition incorrectly and how a bigot’s intolerance would manifest its self.


We are after all still on topic, because it’s about bigotry.

Yes, but it's not about Mr Clegg calling gay marriage opponents bigots is it, which from reading the thread appears not to have happened.


So I suggest that if you wish to discuss the definition of bigotry and how this is manifest, do it in another thread.

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