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Clegg calls gay marriage opponents "bigots"


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You haven't lived long if you believe that.




You were proclaiming the other day that you voted for the Liberals and if you live in S10 that would have been Clegg who could hardly be described as left wing :confused:


I believe im what they call an Orange Book liberal..... very different to the usual middle class urban type...


I have a name on here cos s10 is where I am when Im in Sheffield.... but my postcode is PL........ no liberals or owt down there

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He may have withdrawn the remark but was it a wrong choice of word, if he actually believes people are bigots because they have a different opinion then imo he is wrong


Here's what he didn't say again:


"Continued trouble in the economy gives the bigots a stick to beat us with, as they demand we 'postpone' the equalities agenda in order to deal with 'the things people really care about'."


So even if he did say it, which he didn't, he still wouldn't be saying that people are bigots because they have a different opinion.


If you believe that is what he meant, then you are probably buying the pretend outrage in the press from the bigots, and people who think they are being targeted as bigots, who aren't, which is why the word was probably removed.




I can't believe I'm defending this guy ...


Anyway, there are certainly bigots that object to gay marriage because of their homophobia or some nonsense written down in an old book, of that we can be certain, and it is also true that some of them are using the political system to advance their bigotry. This fact is not contradicted by the things that Clegg did not say, the fact that many people who object to gay marriage are not bigots is also not contradicted by the things that Clegg did not say.


Phew again.


However, I'm willing to bet that the people shouting loudest about not being a bigot, or being offended about what wasn't said, might suspect that they are actually a bigot.



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Too many oxymorons going on here, if you were following your own advice you'd have no comment to make to the poster, unless you're saying you're a bigot ;)


I’m not intolerant of their opinion I just accept that its different to mine. :)


But I’m also happy to have a discussion without condemning them or calling them names for having a different opinion.

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Anyway, there are certainly bigots that object to gay marriage because of their homophobia or some nonsense written down in an old book, of that we can be certain, and it is also true that some of them are using the political system to advance their bigotry. This fact is not contradicted by the things that Clegg did not say, the fact that many people who object to gay marriage are not bigots is also not contradicted by the things that Clegg did not say.


Phew again.


However, I'm willing to bet that the people shouting loudest about not being a bigot, or being offended about what wasn't said, might suspect that they are actually a bigot.




There are also bigots that object to the people that object to gay marriage, I’m happy for gay people to get married, I’m also happy for those people that disagree with it, not to marry them. It wouldn’t bother me if there are places that only gay people can visit, it also wouldn’t bother me if there were place in which gay people are not allowed. Everyone should have the right to choose their own path without being labelled for having a different opinion and view on life. :)

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There are also bigots that object to the people that object to gay marriage, I’m happy for gay people to get married, I’m also happy for those people that disagree with it, not to marry them. It wouldn’t bother me if there are places that only gay people can visit, it also wouldn’t bother me if there were place in which gay people are not allowed. Everyone should have the right to choose their own path without being labelled for having a different opinion and view on life. :)


Apart from gays if we follow your thinking...

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It depends on the reason for opposing gay marriage, but some will be bigots. None of the opponents have a sensible reason to oppose it though.


Clegg's being attacked for something he didn't say anyway. He should've just offended people straight away instead of mincing his words. Trying to appease their views just creates this pointless trouble.

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