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Tory MPs anger at Thatcher Death T-shirts


Is it right sell T shirts welcoming the fture death of a living PM.  

  1. 1. Is it right sell T shirts welcoming the fture death of a living PM.

    • Yes the T shirts are a great idea
    • No. Calling on folks to celebrate a live person's death is bad taste.

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The great distress of bringing this country back from the brink of economic disaster?


Margaret Thatcher was, by a long way the best peacetime PM the UK ever had.


Then why are so many people looking to celebrate her death?

Why are the present tories trying to rebuild what she destroyed?

Why have so many people likened her political style to that of Hitler?

Why did she murder so many Argentinians?:(

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here here :hihi::hihi:


You only have to mention her name to get them crawling out of thier holes. Here we go, none stop hate fest for the mindless.


Tell us about all those "communities" she wrecked, all those efficient industries she closed, how she threw millions on the dole. How those totally perfect mines were closed for no good reason.


Just think were we would be today if it werent for her. Albania would be sending food parcels.

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You could say exactly the same about Blair who dragged us into Iraq though.


I recall when John Smith died which was incredibly unexpected. We ended up that evening in the local with quite a few members of the local Labour party and as Major would have said we were not drinking tea in his honour. I seem to recall that there was an extended Nine oclock News as well which we all watched. As one of the people there, who is now a distinguished Labour MP himself said, he doubted very much if there would be such a readiness to remember if the shoe was on the other foot and that saddend him greatly.


Those who started the "Is Thatcher dead yet" campaign are merely jumping on a meme - the perpertrator of that was not even out of his junior school uniform when she left office as I recall and is a thoroughly disgusting little piece of work. In the other thread where you list those you wouldn't want to knock on your door I've not listed anyone - but I'd probably have to make an entry for anyone wearing these Tshirts. It's curious, and very sad that certain lefties - not all but a significant number seem to think such behaviour is acceptable.

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I think people getting outraged by this will be in for the shock of their lives when she actually does pop her clogs.


Personally I have every intention of avoiding internet discussion forums and twitter when that does happen. The flame wars at that time will be nasty in the extreme.

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You only have to mention her name to get them crawling out of thier holes. Here we go, none stop hate fest for the mindless.


Tell us about all those "communities" she wrecked, all those efficient industries she closed, how she threw millions on the dole. How those totally perfect mines were closed for no good reason.


Just think were we would be today if it werent for her. Albania would be sending food parcels.


I agree. It was Thatcher who made this country what it is today!:loopy::D

Didn't she do well!:hihi:

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I think Thatcher will have a big smile on her face about it. It shows to the electorate how out of touch the TUC are with the country and even their membership. This sort of thing will appeal to a few mindless morons but will disgust and alienate 20 times more.

Maggie would be proud.

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Then why are so many people looking to celebrate her death?

Why are the present tories trying to rebuild what she destroyed?

Why have so many people likened her political style to that of Hitler?

Why did she murder so many Argentinians?:(


Because it works and is the right thing to do.

Because they have no idea about politics or history.

Because they were a fascist regime who had invaded an undefended territory.

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