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Rivelin valley.

natural man

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Very new to this and read with interest the comments about Rivelin valley. Recently visited the dams in search of some cabins my wife remembers from the early 60s she was 8. (Yes I know it is a while ago) My wife her sisters and mum would catch a bus from Malin Bridge to a terminus by a pub (she thinks) then walk across the dam to a large house, they would then go the right of the house into the woods where they had this cabin. My wife is quite clear in her description of everything and she can remember the house in Sheffield where she went with her mum to "buy" the cabin!There were several of them grouped together. Has anyone any ideas where they were exactly and what they were originally used for?

If any one can offer some info it would be appreciated.


Many thanks,

Natural man

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Across the dam from the pub was Wyming Brook, accessed via the road that skirted the dam "around the Ravine". I don't remember cabins at Wyming Brook but it was a very popular location for picnics at weekends etc. and there could well have been cabins there. Here is a 1926 photo of the bus terminus (before my time, honest...) :)

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The house in the corner of the dam was called "Fox Holes Lodge" and in the mid 60s the Wood family lived there. The cabins you talk about ran back towards the Post office on that side of the river. Who owned them or rented them out I wouldn't know. not sure if any of it is still there but you could google earth the area.

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....not sure if any of it is still there...
It is still there, also known as Wyming Brook Lodge: here is a link to a picturesheffield.com photo, also a map. The last time I walked past, I noticed that the grounds bristle with signs warning of alarms, closed-circuit TV surveillance etc. Sign of the times I suppose. :|
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The house in the corner of the dam was called "Fox Holes Lodge" and in the mid 60s the Wood family lived there. The cabins you talk about ran back towards the Post office on that side of the river. Who owned them or rented them out I wouldn't know. not sure if any of it is still there but you could google earth the area.


Mr. Woods, had the gunsmith's concession in the old Sugg's sports shop and used the Lodge as a clay shooting school/club.

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The house in the corner of the dam was called "Fox Holes Lodge" and in the mid 60s the Wood family lived there. The cabins you talk about ran back towards the Post office on that side of the river. Who owned them or rented them out I wouldn't know. not sure if any of it is still there but you could google earth the area.


Where was the post office?? Road name is poss.


Much obliged for info so far.


natural man

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Across the dam from the pub was Wyming Brook, accessed via the road that skirted the dam "around the Ravine". I don't remember cabins at Wyming Brook but it was a very popular location for picnics at weekends etc. and there could well have been cabins there. Here is a 1926 photo of the bus terminus (before my time, honest...) :)


Hi Hillsboro my eldest daughter and family live in the property were the bus is parked I believe it was the coachhouse to the pub years ago!.Where the low trees are at the side is now a mature forest its a lovely spot her alsation runs all over it chasing squirrels and rabbits,doggy heaven,my grandson had a large deer nearly knock him over one night on the dogs walk up there!.Two goshawks patrol it every day looking for a meal of small birds you can tell when they are coming it goes deathly quiet!.:help:

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Slightly "off topic"


Just above the Norfolk Arms leaving Sheffield there used to be a "lay bye" with a small hut selling ice cream and soft drinks etc.

The lay bye seems to have been reclaimedby the house adjoining and is now private property.


I cycled up there in the late 60's and welcomed the small hut......but have no recollection of any cabins.

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