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Rivelin valley.

natural man

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Very new to this and read with interest the comments about Rivelin valley. Recently visited the dams in search of some cabins my wife remembers from the early 60s she was 8. (Yes I know it is a while ago) My wife her sisters and mum would catch a bus from Malin Bridge to a terminus by a pub (she thinks) then walk across the dam to a large house, they would then go the right of the house into the woods where they had this cabin. My wife is quite clear in her description of everything and she can remember the house in Sheffield where she went with her mum to "buy" the cabin!There were several of them grouped together. Has anyone any ideas where they were exactly and what they were originally used for?

If any one can offer some info it would be appreciated.


Many thanks,

Natural man


Howdy... 'Natural man'... it would be great if you could pick up on this older post.

We... my Mum, dad and me.. had one of these 'huts' and used it every weekend and during all school holidays. There would be about 15 huts sited alongside the wall of 'Foxholes plantation. My Uncles and Cousins also had a 'shack' as we called them, up until the early 60s. The bus stop terminus was the 'Norfolk Arms' now two houses. 'Foxholes lodge' was the large stone house with a Mr. Roland Wood .. who tended the area, when not working at Suggs sports. I made pals with his Son John during my visits. All the huts have long disappeared but old bedsteads .. paint tins.. fire surrounds and broken 78 rpm records can still be found. It would be brilliant to hear any info' from this era. ......Cheers from..D.G.J

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How I remember walking up and down the ravine and across the dam many times.

I also drove through the ravine many times in the seventies, from Redmires to the A57.

I also remember visiting Rivelin Post Office cafe, in the seventies two gentlemen partners ran it. I believe one was called Ricky -Castleton- I think. I seem to remember that his mate was called Frank.

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