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Hillsborough document release


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attacking the poster is very poor form and contributes nothing apart from suspicion that he might be getting close to the truth. Thats the REAL truth, not the one you may choose.

If you can not accept a differing view from yours then you really should not be posting on a forum as they are a place for debate. Debate for your information involves people of differing views discussing by force of argument. Once insults are used - the argument has been lost.

The nature of your insulting reply makes me immediately distrust anything you may wish to post.


If it's the truth & not just a vile slur on the victims by our local police which has been spread for 23 years, why is there no real evidence to back it up? Why does this independent report say the opposite?


Why would police officers need to change their statements?

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Guest busdriver1
Have some respect for the 96 people that went to watch a football match in Sheffield & got crushed to death.


Including a member of my family..................

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Guest busdriver1
If it's the truth & not just a vile slur on the victims by our local police which has been spread for 23 years, why is there no real evidence to back it up? Why does this independent report say the opposite?


Why would police officers need to change their statements?


Independant reports can be as biased as a copper covering his tracks.

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Independant reports can be as biased as a copper covering his tracks.


Just read it & stop continuing spouting this vile nonsense. You only need to read a few pages to see how wrong you are.




You can read all the documents they used to compile their report as well & see how biased it is. It's all out in the open now, the old lies have to die. If you're going to say it's biased then you should back it up with some facts, they're all out there now.

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Guest busdriver1
Just read it & stop continuing spouting this vile nonsense. You only need to read a few pages to see how wrong you are.




You can read all the documents they used to compile their report as well & see how biased it is. It's all out in the open now, the old lies have to die.


you just keep on with your ageda then, I will try and get some closure without it being constantly dragged up by the do gooder brigade.

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you just keep on with your ageda then, I will try and get some closure without it being constantly dragged up by the do gooder brigade.


Just read pages 24- 26 if you can't be bothered to read it all. Why do you think I have an agenda? What is that agenda?


You should at least read the report before you consider it biased. Back it up with examples of bias based on all the documents that are available if you like. You know, like they did.


Continuing to repeat the lies without even reading the report is disgusting.

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Including a member of my family..................
You and me both, which is why I have taken the time to read the links provided, and watch the video clips relevant to the event


BTW - when there's a pop concert, or even Disney on Ice, the crowds around the arena are carefully managed. I'm not aware of any precedence of rioting primary school kids which have created this situation

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Continuing to repeat the lies without even reading the report is disgusting.

I know you're not happy with what is being said, but the 'families for justice' got results from reasoned persistence, not such venom. If you meet adherence to belief in what was printed in a despicable rag, you're not going to sway opinion by spitting teeth ;)
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I know you're not happy with what is being said, but the 'families for justice' got results from reasoned persistence, not such venom. If you meet adherence to belief in what was printed in a despicable rag, you're not going to sway opinion by spitting teeth ;)


I'm appalled that people keep trying to blame the victims without any evidence other than malicious lies, which have been proven to be false. They'd rather believe local gossip over careful research & the normal football fans that were actually there. It sickens me. I wasn't involved in the disaster at all, except for watching it on TV, but it's still hard for me even to look at this thread, never mind use polite language. The families for justice have my respect for how persistent they've been for 23 years to finally start to get results & be proved right, I couldn't have done it.


There's a 389 page report, from an independent panel that goes through everything, it carefully refutes every detail of every lie, it tells us how the police, the government & sections of the media conspired to cover it up & blame the victims. Thousands of pages of documents that they used to compile their report are also available. The prime minister has been in parliament, live on national TV apologising for it. Still people keep repeating these malicious lies. If you want to claim bias, you need something a bit stronger than what your neighbour's cousin thought he saw, what was printed in The Sun & what anybody in SY Police told you. You at least need to read the report.


I wasn't involved with it, I wasn't there, I was just a small child when it happened, I don't have any agenda. I remember seeing it on TV as a child & seeing the horrific pictures later, I remember seeing children not much older than I was die, in the same city. I was 7 years old, excited to watch a big football match on TV that was happening in Sheffield, instead I watched a massacre. I want to see the people responsible for the police cover-up & malicious lies against the fans brought to justice, if not SWFC, the council & whoever else said that death trap of a football ground was safe. The families haven't really got their justice yet.

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Good youtube clip here of how the disaster was reported back in 1989, definately worth watching especially if your one of those people who have only read about how it was reported. The police generally getting the blame back then and not the Liverpool supporters, as some commentators would now have you believe, the exception being the foreign press and Jacques Georges the then president of UEFA.


I've seen the first 9 minutes and can't stomach anymore after seeing Middup's performance 06.45 onwards. Absolutely disgusting. Surely, this alone is enough for him to be facing an enquiry. I cringed when he said his officers were in a 'no win' situation when asked to police matches, as officers enjoyed the overtime rates and were keen to sign up. When I've more of a stomach for it, I'll go back to it, thanks for the link.

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