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Hillsborough document release


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The game from 1981 at hillsborough which first indicated that Leppings Lane was a problem!



I was at that game and it was frightening to say the least,however i have been at a good few other games were we were in similar situations, fans were treated as cattle in those days and something like the hillsborough disaster was going to happen somewere,thankfully lessons have been learnt but much too late for the 96.

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Is the report saying that they were forced dopwn there against their will and they couldnt stop and turn around, even they wanted to? Genuine question, I havn't read the report.


I detailed how the crushes happened further up the thread already - you may want to go look at that first.

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Well let's hope that Boris is man enough to apologise for HIS comments today too.






Mr Johnson adds the city made a scapegoat of police in the wake of the Hillsborough disaster, refusing to acknowledge the part played "by drunken fans at the back of the crowd who mindlessly tried to fight their way into the ground".


Because we now know they didn't exist, or did they? A report says they did, now a report says they didn't. Which to believe?

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I was at that game and it was frightening to say the least,however i have been at a good few other games were we were in similar situations, fans were treated as cattle in those days and something like the hillsborough disaster was going to happen somewere,thankfully lessons have been learnt but much too late for the 96.


Have a look at the comments below from various football fan's from back in the day when they visited, they all say the same thing, they were scared to death, why wasn't anything done regarding the safety of the ground, were fan's ignored as usual ???

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Have a look at the comments below from various football fan's from back in the day when they visited, they all say the same thing, they were scared to death, why wasn't anything done regarding the safety of the ground, were fan's ignored as usual ???


Some fans were so concerned at previous games for their safety, that they actually took pen to paper when they got home and wrote to the FA. The FA have a case to answer, they also failed the victims. Where is the apology from the FA today?

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I've thought long and hard about a response to a couple of posts on here...Some people, no matter what evidence, statement, fact you put in front of them, just aren't intelligent enough to digest it or accept it. I'd liken your types to an Ostrich....but at least they come up for air occasionally...your heads are permanently buried.

You see it all the time..forums are a breeding ground for them..yes alchresearch I mean you, keyboard warriors, the type whose contribution make you face palm. If you look back and examine the content from these posters you'll see a trend. You can't change these people..it's part of their DNA so it's usually not worth engaging or attempting reasonable discussion because the original basis for their argument has no merit, it's almost childlike in its stupidity. Maybe you are of the more immature age but thats no excuse.

I suggest...as I do to others of your ilk...do your research, take off your blinkers and apply reasonable argument to your contribution...then I may engage in mature debate. Usually you skulk off back to freecams.


Today, thankfully, your opinions will mean nothing and disappear into obscurity whilst the important things in life finally get the recognition they deserve.


I pity you, I genuinely do. I pity those whose life you're involved with because they either have to listen to you on a regular basis or god forbid are influenced by your attitude and grow to share your head in the sand views.

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Just when I'm about to make the silly mistake of actually liking Boris, something like this serves as a reminder of what kind of guy he really is, thanks for the wake-up call.


:hihi:I was saying the same thing about boris the other day,in his defence [and mine ] maybe he thought the police would not stoop so low as to make up these lies.

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