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Hillsborough document release


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Because we now know they didn't exist, or did they? A report says they did, now a report says they didn't. Which to believe?


The wool can't be pulled over Sheffielders eyes; anyone at or around the White Horse pub that afternoon saw the drunken Liverpudlians, as did locals and passing bus drivers etc.

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Just when I'm about to make the silly mistake of actually liking Boris, something like this serves as a reminder of what kind of guy he really is, thanks for the wake-up call.


To be fair it was eight years ago and was based on the evidence presented at the time. He took his medicine though and went to Liverpool.

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I was at that game and it was frightening to say the least,however i have been at a good few other games were we were in similar situations, fans were treated as cattle in those days and something like the hillsborough disaster was going to happen somewere,thankfully lessons have been learnt but much too late for the 96.
My wife once lost a shoe exiting a game in the tunnel at Owlerton when she was a young girl in the 50s.as she momentarily turned to retrieve it,a big hand pushed her on with the advice to keep moving or she could be trampled on!

I am at a loss to decide all these years later,who was responsible for the deaths of the Liverpool fans that day.Sure there has been coverups by the police and politicians,but they surely did not set out that day to assist the deaths of 90 odd people.

No! I think the blame must surely lay at the feet of Sheffield Wednesday FC.If you run a business on that scale,public safety must be paramount,and it seems for decades that due care and diligence was not given the attention it warranted.

Blame the police and politicos for the coverup but don't blame them for the deaths.....................that blame lies with SWFC.

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Interesting leak article:


Margaret Thatcher was misinformed by a senior Merseyside police officer that "drunken Liverpool fans" were to blame for causing the Hillsborough disaster, according to confidential documents leaked to the BBC.



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I am ashamed enough at the moment to hear what the Hillsboro' report is stating regarding the police coverup and also to think a Sheffield MP was involved in the process of feeding lies to the families of those who died (and to the general public) makes the situation much worse for the City.

I am even more ashamed of the comments made by 'call me Al' - I hope that Sheffield Forum removes his comments - not only are they completely foul and tasteless - they sully those who died

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I am ashamed enough at the moment to hear what the Hillsboro' report is stating regarding the police coverup and also to think a Sheffield MP was involved in the process of feeding lies to the families of those who died (and to the general public) makes the situation much worse for the City.

I am even more ashamed of the comments made by 'call me Al' - I hope that Sheffield Forum removes his comments - not only are they completely foul and tasteless - they sully those who died

So is there any truth in his allegations,or is he along with others just making it up?
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I am even more ashamed of the comments made by 'call me Al' - I hope that Sheffield Forum removes his comments - not only are they completely foul and tasteless - they sully those who died


I disagree. There seems to be a campaign of airbrushing certain factors from history.


I want to see the full facts come out and this whole sorry mess come to a close. But I get the feeling that certain facts are now being eradicated just to speedily end the matter.


Have you ever had one of those days dealing with a customer who is blatantly wrong, but won't see it and in the end you just give up and accept defeat or loss of face just so he'll pipe down and go away? I know I certainly have. And this report seems similar to that.


Can we honestly say there were no drunken or ticketless fans? We seem to be taking this latest report at face value as gospel but at the same time dismissing earlier reports.


Will we have another report in another ten or twenty years time which dismisses this one?

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