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Hillsborough document release


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Maybe they never entered the ground and that was the problem outside just saying


They were ticketless, saw a big gate open and hundreds going through it but didn't go in??


Its a pity because they were well thought out, respectful and offered a different viewpoint.

I was there you see. I have first hand knowledge of what happened but as it dosent seem to fit with the "new facts" it seems its worthy only of deletion.


I was there too and saw what I saw....however, that doesn't sit well with the mods and the Government!

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I was there too and saw what I saw....however, that doesn't sit well with the mods and the Government!


I know, its sad isnt it.

Its almost like truth is the 97th victim :(


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 18:39 ----------


I think I'd take a guess and say the mods were right to delete what they did.


You do a lot of guessing dont you.

Why not instead of playing guessing games you contribute in a meaningful manner to the topic at hand?

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I know, its sad isnt it.

Its almost like truth is the 97th victim :(


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 18:39 ----------



You do a lot of guessing dont you.

Why not instead of playing guessing games you contribute in a meaningful manner to the topic at hand?


I was 19 at the time and was stood on the Leppings lane bridge near the turnstiles. I'd gone down on the off chance of getting a ticket. I saw the fans outside and surprisingly not many were 'staggering around' drunk. They were arriving late and expecting to get in for kick off which many fans of many teams regularly did.


I saw the gate open and the fans flood in, and if it wasn't for me having my ankle strapped up I might well have taken my chances and gone in myself - instead I took the 15 minute walk home to be met by my dad showing me on tv what was happening.


In the days and weeks after I took in the reports by the papers and tv, drunken fans forcing a gate open, urinating on fellow fans and pick pocketing the dead. In the years that followed I grew to detest Liverpool supporters in general cos after all they were to blame weren't they?


Then in recent years I've read the reports, seen the documentaries and eyewitness accounts. I'm disgusted at the SYP and their actions, especially those in charge - a senior officer so out of his depth and confronted with a tragedy in front of him sought immediately to pass the blame onto the dead and their fellow supporters.


Fans arriving late, some the worse for drink was a contributory factor to the disaster, they hiwever were not to blame. If there had been a steady stream of fans from 1pm entering the frond this wouldn't have happened. But that's not the way it went. Police failed massively in managing the problems at the turnstiles. At 2:45 the BBC comentator noted how full the middle 2 pens were yet the end pens were scaresly populated. If he saw it, why didn't the police?? In previous years the gate to the centre pen was closed once it was up to capacity, why not now?


Fans rushing in after 2:45 should have been directed to the wing pens where there was plenty of room - in fact if this had happened even opening the gate as happened wouldn't have caused the problem it did.


Yes Liverpool fans had a reputation - that only intensifies the point the police should have been ready and prepared to deal with all eventualities. They didn't. They failed big time and I'm pretty confident in the years to come they will be shown in a court of law to have been to blame.


But still plenty of people will heap blame on the p***ed up ticketless scousers.......

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My earlier comment has been deleted for some reason when all I said was I was there that day, and I know what I saw.

The late Brian Clough dared to have opinion and was slagged off by everything Liverpool. He said, "If they had entered the ground in an orderly manner, it would never have happened".

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If only just one Liverpool supporter had the guts to stand up and say "We were initially to blame" instead of trying to blame someone else. It was terrible that so many supporters lost their lives, these unfortunate supporters were the ones who bought tickets and arrived at Hillsborough well in time and were excited about the prospect of a great match being played before them.

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If only just one Liverpool supporter had the guts to stand up and say "We were initially to blame" instead of trying to blame someone else. It was terrible that so many supporters lost their lives, these unfortunate supporters were the ones who bought tickets and arrived at Hillsborough well in time and were excited about the prospect of a great match being played before them.


Actually a number who died were those that arrived late and were crushed in the tunnel attempting to get to the terrace.

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But that is not the ones who were drunk. The thousand outside the stadium who arrived late and without tickets were the ones who were drunk. I saw it with my own eyes. The innocent ones who had tickets and who turned up on time were the victims. The ones outside were the cause. Simple fact is if those that should not have been there were not and those who had tickets arrives in plenty of time for the match it may not have happened.


But you see that's what the police are there to do..control the crowd.


If a crowd of people could be relied upon to act properly without a herd mentality then the police wouldn't be required and they could stay at home and not collect the overtime.


As far as SYP were concerned there should have been no surprises, football fans are likely to have had a few beers, a few will be p***** and behave badly, they'll arrive late, an FA Cup semi final due to start imminently with thousands still outside is likely to create control problems.


Three pens inside a ground, two empty, one heaving should be quite an indicator of where those thousands outside should be corralled to..any more features to the study of rocket science?


---------- Post added 21-05-2013 at 19:42 ----------


He said, "If they had entered the ground in an orderly manner, it would never have happened".


So what? They're under the direction of the police.

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So using that logic the police were also responsible for the deaths at Heysel and Bradford?


There are similarities between Hillsborough and Heysel - probably the biggest being that both grounds were not fit to host the respective games.

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