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Hillsborough document release


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Yeah right, I hate them. That's why I live in a area with them. That's why I'm married to one and have one as a daughter.


My subsequent posts have made my position completely clear, I suggest you read them.


Incidentally, no I'm not nor was ever a copper. My criminal record prevents that :)


Note to self. Don't stoop to their level

Edited by wibbles
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Yeah right, I hate them. That's why I live in a area with them. That's why I'm married to one and have one as a daughter.


My subsequent posts have made my position completely clear, I suggest you read them.


Incidentally, no I'm not nor was ever a copper. My criminal record prevents that :)


And now the strawman appears. Classic!


I have read your subsequent posts. Still no answer as to why the govt. would want to falsify documents just to shut up a load of whining scousers.


Your dissatisfied customer analogy is, of course, laughable unless they're going to follow it up by reversing the austerity measures and order councils to reinstate weekly bin collections!

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there is no way on earth there couldnt have been no blame put on these fan at all what were the police meant to do have a crush outside damned if we do or damned if we dont ?


The situation at the gate would not have existed if there had been adequate crowd control measures in place, directing and controlling supporters' passage to and in the stadium.

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Frankly, sod part 72 of the report!; locals of Foxhill, Parson Cross and Hillsborough saw and heard drunk liverpool fans heading towards Hillsborough with their own eyes and ears.


From your other comments, it is clear that you have not taken the trouble to read any of the previous reports, either, so excuse me if I point out yet again that hearsay is of very little value when set against evidence.

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I have never been to a football match where there haven't been a proportion of drunks. Sadly those who arrived early and sober were at the front of the crowd and paid a price.


I'm just looking through this thread and noting comments from many who claim to have been eye wittnesses.




BBC Look North seem to be contacting some with a view to getting them to contribute to the broadcast.

Edited by Dingus
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From the report


"72. There was no evidence to support the proposition that alcohol played any part

in the genesis of the disaster and it is regrettable that those in positions of

responsibility created and promoted a portrayal of drunkenness as contributing to

the occurrence of the disaster and the ensuing loss of life without substantiating




As this report had access to the full range of evidence, including what was not available to previous reports, I'd take its conclusions over any hearsay.


If there was no evidence to say it did........is there evidence to say that it did not?


If the report had said out of 1000 people interviewed only 1 mentioned seeing a drunk fan then that would be conclusive. Leaving it as a bland "there is no evidence" will always leave openings for suggestions that the evidence may not have been sought/ is there but has been misinterpreted/ is there and has been ignored - which is a shame.

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And now the strawman appears. Classic!


I have read your subsequent posts. Still no answer as to why the govt. would want to falsify documents just to shut up a load of whining scousers.


Your dissatisfied customer analogy is, of course, laughable unless they're going to follow it up by reversing the austerity measures and order councils to reinstate weekly bin collections!


I thought the report steered clear of discussing the governments potential involvement.

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The article and David Camerons statement is based on the false premise that people are trying to "smear the dead"; no one is trying to smear the dead, the dead did nothing wrong, its what was going on by those behind them that killed them.

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If there was no evidence to say it did........is there evidence to say that it did not?


If the report had said out of 1000 people interviewed only 1 mentioned seeing a drunk fan then that would be conclusive. Leaving it as a bland "there is no evidence" will always leave openings for suggestions that the evidence may not have been sought/ is there but has been misinterpreted/ is there and has been ignored - which is a shame.


Drunk fans go to every football game.

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And now the strawman appears. Classic!


I have read your subsequent posts. Still no answer as to why the govt. would want to falsify documents just to shut up a load of whining scousers.


Your dissatisfied customer analogy is, of course, laughable unless they're going to follow it up by reversing the austerity measures and order councils to reinstate weekly bin collections!


Interesting how you are the only one who has a problem understanding my post. Ever thought that you might be the one in the wrong? No, of course not.


The Hillsborough issue has gone on for 23 years. A line needs to be drawn under it and its time for the matter to come to a close. And if the government and powers in control need to take the blame, then so be it.


People have claimed for years that report after report has been a cover up. Why should it suddenly stop now?


As for weekly bin collections, the rest of the country who've switched to fortnightly - some before the Tories even came to power - are able to manage ok. Not sure why you brought this up.


But if this is not good enough for you, keep trolling.

Edited by alchresearch
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