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Hillsborough document release


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The 'blame' for what happened cannot be placed on the shoulders of any one party. The police must take some responsibility, but so must others. I think it's fair to say that with better policing, the disaster would not have happened. Equally, had fewer fans been drinking, and fewer fans arrived late, the disaster may not have happened. Had the kick off been delayed, it may not have happened. Had the stadium been designed in a different way, it may not have happened.


It did happen and the evidence was subsequently covered up. Those senior police officers who authorised statements to be altered, who covered up or hid evidence, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


But the inquest should also recognise that they were in a minority. I have read many of the 450,000 pages of evidence published by the Hillsborough Independent Panel, and it is clear that the majority of police officers on duty that day were horrified by what they saw, and did their level best to help the injured.


Whatever the outcome, some people will still feel that justice has not been done. One side or another will feel they've been let down by the system. And as previous posters have said, if your son or daughter went to a football match and never came home, you'd probably never feel you'd seen justice either.


I do hope, though, that after this inquest and any subsequent prosecutions, we can let the dead rest in peace. After a quarter of a century, memories will be hazy, evidence will be lost and some witnesses will no longer be with us. So I hope this enquiry will finally provide closure to the families and allow all those involved to move on.

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There is another thread on here entitled "hillsborough disaster,where were you"

This is post 66 from a user called iphonelover


"20-07-2011, 04:01 * #66


Registered User


Joined: Jan 2011

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I was in front of the telly in Doncaster, but two of my uncles, and their mates who used to babysit us as kids, were inside the ground. It's shocking to watch such a disaster unfolding, but when you're squinting at the faces hoping and hoping not to see what you're looking for...

And MANY had no tickets and forced entry basically and MANY were just late as they had been drinking locally. A lot were respectful on entry and let down by police and stewards who were also a big part of the reason this happened. There is no 1 category 100 % to blame. You would be naive strix to think most of those who entered late did so because of traffic delays, very naive indeed. I feel sorry for the families of ALL who died and were injured and also I feel sorry for the innocent who died who respectfully entered the stadium. I dont think moronic behaviour deserves death but i hope (im sure they do) those who acted like morons, whether it be fans, police etc.... Struggle to live with themselves for being a part of what caused that tragic day.


My family were there, liverpool fans, and make me proud when they hold their hands up and dont just blame the police! They know many aspects that day cauzed the tragedy, including their own fans! Not many lufc fans will dare admit, for whatever reason. my uncle sat here now remembering that day he lost his cousin, says this:


'Blame doesnt take the pain, make loved ones come back, blame eats you up, theres a fine line between fighting for justice and just wanting someone to blame. All the supporters there that day will have seen different things happen in their eyes view but its important to remember, if it had of been just 1 category making errors, it wouldnt have happened, every fan who entered that ground late through choice or under the influence needs to take some responsibility, every officer who panicked and failed to do his duties needs to take responsibilty, even if thats just within themselves, it doesnt have to be public. nothing good comes of blame and justice wont make the pain go, let them have peace and let us mourn without the media circus'




Just my opinion."


I found this post a while ago and found its brutal honesty refreshing,it is the first and only account ive seen where a liverpool fan dares to suggest that their own fans where partially to blame, it stayed in my mind for this reason"


The amount of people on this thread who are taking the new report as the final word is staggering,especially considering that previous reports are now apparently rubbish in the light of this new one.


No-one and i repeat no-one is for one minute suggesting that the victims were to blame for the accident, its not what is meant when people are saying that "liverpool fans" are partly to blame, they dont mean the victims, they mean the fans that were drunk and late and whose actions contributed to this terrible tragedy.

Im sorry to burst anyones bubble but these fans do exist, ask anyone who was in the area at the time and you will be left in no doubt that they are real and that their actions contributed.

No amount of finger pointing is going to make the poor victims come back and my heart goes out to their families.

Like has been said a few times its the truth that must not be spoken.

Many factors are to blame and no real scapegoat can be found.

The police are not solely to blame, the drunken and late fans are not solely to blame,

Neither are the FA or the stewards or SWFC on their own.


The only outcome can be accidental death as this was just that, a tragic accident that happened due to many many failings on all sides.


Just because this particular report gives the outcome and says the things the families seem to want it to say doesnt make it the truth any more than previous reports that have been unsatisfactory it seems.


The cover up of the incident was 100% wrong and that issue needs addressing and the perpetrators held to account.


The cover up is one issue.

The facts of what happened on the day is a seperate issue, they should be addressed as such i think to give clarity to each in turn.

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It still surprises me that the 'blame' for this terrible event seems to still be argued as either the police or the fan's fault..........


What about the ground where crushes had happened before,



The council who passed it as safe and the FA... why are they never in the picture?


they were mentioned in the taylor report.

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The council who passed it as safe and the FA... why are they never in the picture?


they were mentioned in the taylor report.


I think because they weren't involved in the cover up, at least not to the same extent as the police. I think the outrage following the Hillsborough Independent Panel was about the police trying to cover their part in the disaster up, more so than what actually happened.


My friend's dad was a police officer on duty that day. He wasn't at the ground; he worked elsewhere in South Yorkshire, but he was sent to Hillsborough that afternoon as events began to unfold. He won't talk about what he saw but within two years he had resigned from the police and his wife and son say he was never really the same person again. He has tried to put the events of that day in 1989 behind him, but these enquiries make that impossible. He went to the ground to try to help, as did many police officers. The actions of a few have tarnished the reputation of many.


The families of the dead have my deepest sympathy, but Liverpool fans were not the only victims of that terrible day.


Given the time that's passed, no enquiry now will really get to the truth and as I said in my previous post, I do think it's time, a quarter of a century on, to let the dead rest in peace.

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Is there anywhere to tune in? Are any radio stations/internet stations/tv channels broadcasting the inquest? I think they should be as this is of national interest now.




In the absence of that, David Conn's Twitter feed is giving regular updates from the inquest.




(And bear in mind it is expected to last "about a year". It's difficult to imagine any radio/internet/Tv channel could keep broadcasting that for that length of time.)

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I agree.

I do feel much sympathy for the families of the dead - especially those who have dedicated their lives since 1989 to 'getting justice'. Once the enquiry is complete they will finally be forced to 'move on' and this is going to be difficult if not impossible.


Will this be the last enquiry though? How many have there been so far (WikiP says three), each one uncovering a bit more evidence each time.


Its like trying to get information out of a naughty child. The more you push the more comes out.

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Will this be the last enquiry though? How many have there been so far (WikiP says three), each one uncovering a bit more evidence each time.


Its like trying to get information out of a naughty child. The more you push the more comes out.


You mean Inquiry? There has been one Inquiry so far. The Taylor Inquiry looking at events on the day and then the wider implications for football safety.


One panel to look at dpcuments held and documents disclosed.


One Inquest.



They all had different purposes.

Edited by 999tigger
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Will this be the last enquiry though? How many have there been so far (WikiP says three), each one uncovering a bit more evidence each time.


Its like trying to get information out of a naughty child. The more you push the more comes out.


More likely it'll be the same evidence which has been manipulated to give a slightly different result and therefore cause for concern

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