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Hillsborough document release


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Guest busdriver1
I think because they weren't involved in the cover up, at least not to the same extent as the police. I think the outrage following the Hillsborough Independent Panel was about the police trying to cover their part in the disaster up, more so than what actually happened.


My friend's dad was a police officer on duty that day. He wasn't at the ground; he worked elsewhere in South Yorkshire, but he was sent to Hillsborough that afternoon as events began to unfold. He won't talk about what he saw but within two years he had resigned from the police and his wife and son say he was never really the same person again. He has tried to put the events of that day in 1989 behind him, but these enquiries make that impossible. He went to the ground to try to help, as did many police officers. The actions of a few have tarnished the reputation of many.


The families of the dead have my deepest sympathy, but Liverpool fans were not the only victims of that terrible day.


Given the time that's passed, no enquiry now will really get to the truth and as I said in my previous post, I do think it's time, a quarter of a century on, to let the dead rest in peace.


I lost a member of my extended family at this event, I and my family bear no ill feelings towards the police who were damned whatever they did. We are sick to death of it being constantly dragged up with the aim of getting a result that suits some peoples agendas. My relative was no angel and we can all accept that the Liverpool fans played as big a part as anyone in the sad events of the day.

I would love to know about the "doctoring" of papers and wonder how much of it was actually re-writing with the benefit of hindsight?

There again I do not really want to know, I just want to put it behind me as do all our family but we are not being allowed to by these constant Inquiries, hearings, investigations, etc, etc.

I just hope and pray that at the end of this latest dragging up the people who are driving this on and on will for gods sake let it rest. I would love to move on so please let me. PLEASE.

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I May have mentioned this before I'm unsure, but a couple of weeks after the deaths we played Owls at Hillsboro in the Simod Cup I believe. We were put on the corner terracing at side of LL, you could look into the Leppings Lane end, and trust me the barriers were bent like putty, so you can imagine the crush as those barriers must have been 6" thick, not very nice.

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I lost a member of my extended family at this event, I and my family bear no ill feelings towards the police who were damned whatever they did. We are sick to death of it being constantly dragged up with the aim of getting a result that suits some peoples agendas. My relative was no angel and we can all accept that the Liverpool fans played as big a part as anyone in the sad events of the day.

I would love to know about the "doctoring" of papers and wonder how much of it was actually re-writing with the benefit of hindsight?

There again I do not really want to know, I just want to put it behind me as do all our family but we are not being allowed to by these constant Inquiries, hearings, investigations, etc, etc.

I just hope and pray that at the end of this latest dragging up the people who are driving this on and on will for gods sake let it rest. I would love to move on so please let me. PLEASE.


Unfortunately I can see this going on for between 4 years and forever.


1. The inquest will provide a more accurate insight to the families of when, where and why their loved one dies. Its important for closure that the true facts are known.


2. The next point is the trickiest. The verdict reached by the inquest.

i) If the verdict is one which says its an accident/ incompetence/ series of unfortunate events, then I can see plenty of families not accepting that and it will rumble on forever for some. There will be outrage.

ii) If the verdict attributes blame and points the finger, then prosecutions will most likely follow. There will be outrage. I can see those taking at least three years.


3. The alleged cover up is an equally serious event. If it is found to be true then I hope the relevant people are prosecuted because it brings the police force into disrepute.


Unfortunately there is a long way to go yet and some families will always be angry and never happy because ultimately nothing can bring those people back. It must be very tiring for the families.

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The police insisted blood alcohol levels were taken of all the victims and asked relatives who had come to identify their loved ones if the victims were drinkers or had been drinking and this is one of the reasons why the pen portraits have been deemed as appropriate in this case.




This has been answered previously in this thread, only a few posts ago.




No, I'm a Sheffielder born and bred but from reading the pen portraits of the victims from the inquest transcripts and seeing their photographs and also seeing how the relatives of the victims have conducted themselves over the past 25 years, if that's what a Scouser is, then I'd be proud and humbled to be mistaken for one.


For the very last bit I couldn't disagree more in some cases and I will elaborate on that more when these inquests are over.

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  • 1 month later...
We are told the newly released docs are being studied by the families and their reps.


Does anyone know where this is happening or who the authority figure in charge is ?





sorry not about this topic, but can you pm me please I think you could help me ref to a previous thread

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Yes it was tragic, yes the police made grave errors then shamefully tried to cover up afterwards, but does any Liverpudlian acknowledge the role that their clubs fans of the era played in the culture of hooliganism that necessitated the pens in Hillsborough stadium and the style of policing that they were met with?

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Yes it was tragic, yes the police made grave errors then shamefully tried to cover up afterwards, but does any Liverpudlian acknowledge the role that their clubs fans of the era played in the culture of hooliganism that necessitated the pens in Hillsborough stadium and the style of policing that they were met with?


I cannot think that this is a good road to go down. Fans of many clubs, Owls included, weighed into the hooligan culture of those days. That does not excuse overestimating ground capacity or inefficient management of stadium procedures. Thequestion has been asked many times, why Liverpool, with an undeniably bigger support than Forest, not allocated the Kop?

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I cannot think that this is a good road to go down. Fans of many clubs, Owls included, weighed into the hooligan culture of those days. That does not excuse overestimating ground capacity or inefficient management of stadium procedures. Thequestion has been asked many times, why Liverpool, with an undeniably bigger support than Forest, not allocated the Kop?


I see the focus has moved on to try and vilify Sheffield Wednesday Football Club.


In reply to you, it doesn't matter what the capacity of any ground is ticketless fans will always try to gain entrance. What procedures to the people have with thousands of fans pressing on them and driving them forwards? Liverpool fans were allocated the Leppings Lane area due to the direction of travel for most of their fans, likewise Forest fans travelling up.


Personally, I think if anyone is to blame it's the person who threatened to close down football clubs if they didn't control fans. This lead to clubs being forced into building higher walls and segregation fencing simply to survive.



Edited by Mecky
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I lost a member of my extended family at this event, I and my family bear no ill feelings towards the police who were damned whatever they did. We are sick to death of it being constantly dragged up with the aim of getting a result that suits some peoples agendas. My relative was no angel and we can all accept that the Liverpool fans played as big a part as anyone in the sad events of the day.

I would love to know about the "doctoring" of papers and wonder how much of it was actually re-writing with the benefit of hindsight?

There again I do not really want to know, I just want to put it behind me as do all our family but we are not being allowed to by these constant Inquiries, hearings, investigations, etc, etc.

I just hope and pray that at the end of this latest dragging up the people who are driving this on and on will for gods sake let it rest. I would love to move on so please let me. PLEASE.


Very well said.

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