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Hillsborough document release


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On the day of this disaster I was outside the Swan Morton works .

There were indeed hundreds of fans (drunk and sober) making their way

to Leppings lane.I believe there is blame to be attached to both fans and the



In all these years, as far as I am aware,not one Liverpool fan has ever

admitted contributing to the disaster.

Makes you wonder.

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Dear oh dear!!


Every advert you see encourages you to do something. So lets all show absolutely no self control and drink/eat/I Pad/buy a new car/DIY, etc ourselves to death, eh?

Indeed. The only way late arriving Liverpool fans are entirely blameless is if you absolve them of all personal responsibilty. So that is what has happened.


Now we have to view them as some mindless object that the police failed to control and the stadium wasn't suitable for.


Its not something that sits well with me.


I really cannot see how a few thousand people pushing to get in can be seen as reasonable behaviour.

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On the day of this disaster I was outside the Swan Morton works .

There were indeed hundreds of fans (drunk and sober) making their way

to Leppings lane.I believe there is blame to be attached to both fans and the



In all these years, as far as I am aware,not one Liverpool fan has ever

admitted contributing to the disaster.

Makes you wonder.


I've been to hundreds of matches where you could say the same. Point is nobody died though.

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Guest busdriver1
Indeed. The only way late arriving Liverpool fans are entirely blameless is if you absolve them of all personal responsibilty. So that is what has happened.


Now we have to view them as some mindless object that the police failed to control and the stadium wasn't suitable for.


Its not something that sits well with me.


I really cannot see how a few thousand people pushing to get in can be seen as reasonable behaviour.


I lost a family member there and completely agree.

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  • 3 months later...

Those fans (not the ones that died of course) are at least partly to blame surely; didn't they attempt to do what they often did at certain football grounds which is to totally engulf the entrances/turnstiles so that the staff were so overwhelmed that many fans would just get let in even without a ticket?

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Now we have to view them as some mindless object that the police failed to control and the stadium wasn't suitable for.


Or you could say the person, who was against so-called yob cultures i.e. miners and football fans were to blame. The very person who said "I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed" and something along the lines of: All football fans are like animals and therefore they should be kept in cages. If a football club cannot control it's fans they will be closed down.

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Or you could say the person, who was against so-called yob cultures i.e. miners and football fans were to blame. The very person who said "I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed" and something along the lines of: All football fans are like animals and therefore they should be kept in cages. If a football club cannot control it's fans they will be closed down.

Er, Hillsborough (SW) fans were not involved- so why should SW itself face repercussions?

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