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Hillsborough document release


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The families of the deceased have always said they wanted closure, is this closure or the start of another long and draining legal process for them now.

Will this ever be solved really, I'm not so sure...


I would hazard a guess on the latter - the issue being that humans and their interpretation of event is involved.

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The article and David Camerons statement is based on the false premise that people are trying to "smear the dead"; the dead did nothing wrong, its what was going on by those behind them that killed them.


It was the police failing to do their job. Read the report. The police failed to check tickets away from the ground, as they had done the year before. They directed the fans into areas that were already full, rather than closing them, like they had done the year before.


What were the fans 'behind them' supposed to do? They were being crushed & pushed in one direction too, by the time they knew what was going on it was too late for them to do anything.


The police were supposed to be doing crowd control, they had people inside the ground, outside the ground, they had radios & they were supposed to be organising it.

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The families of the deceased have always said they wanted closure, is this closure or the start of another long and draining legal process for them now.

Will this ever be solved really, I'm not so sure...


Sadly, "closure" for some means the demolition of the Hillsborough football ground and all the officers on duty that day being jailed for murder.

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If there was no evidence to say it did........is there evidence to say that it did not?


If the report had said out of 1000 people interviewed only 1 mentioned seeing a drunk fan then that would be conclusive. Leaving it as a bland "there is no evidence" will always leave openings for suggestions that the evidence may not have been sought/ is there but has been misinterpreted/ is there and has been ignored - which is a shame.


Plase read the full report. It goes into the question of alcohol in quite some detail.

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Even with the facts put in front of us, several on here are unwilling to alter their opinions.


Who we individually blame , well there seems to be many we could blame, the Police, the council , the F.A, THE OWLS AMONGST THEM.


The fact the venue held no safety certificate is an early factor, so the police, council and stadium owners have all a case to answer.


The lack of a certificate, kicked off a series of **** ups from many agencys. But EVIDENCE shows the game should not have been allowed to take place in the first place.


The F.A being the organisers, the Owls the hosts.


The coming weeks will be interesting. Lawyers rubbing their hands with glee. Lets hope we dont forget the victims in all the mess.

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The situation at the gate would not have existed if there had been adequate crowd control measures in place, directing and controlling supporters' passage to and in the stadium.



I was at Bramall Lane a couple of weeks before the Hillsborough disaster and this is exactly what the police did.

A police cordon was in force at least 50m around the ground and no one was allowed near the turnstiles without a ticket.Why on earth this wasn't in place that day god only knows

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The article and David Camerons statement is based on the false premise that people are trying to "smear the dead"; no one is trying to smear the dead, the dead did nothing wrong, its what was going on by those behind them that killed them.


The police, certain newspapers & MPs were certainly trying to smear the dead. There was an organised campaign to smear the dead & blame the fans. Why do you think the prime minister is wrong? He's admitted & apologised for it.

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