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Hillsborough document release


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But the responsibility for what happened at the stadium on the day lies squarely with him. That was his job.


But if his lack of experience and training meant that he was unable to do the job, and more importantly that he didn't know he couldn't do it, then that is down to his superiors. It wasn't his decision that he was given a job he was incapable of doing.

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Guest sibon
But if his lack of experience and training meant that he was unable to do the job, and more importantly that he didn't know he couldn't do it, then that is down to his superiors. It wasn't his decision that he was given a job he was incapable of doing.


I think that Duckenfield has done today, what he should have done many years ago and admitted that he wasn't up to the job.


There's a bit more to come, about his subsequent promotions and the police cover up, which might tell us more about him.


I accept that others appointed him, but he took the job. He didn't do it properly and 96 people are dead because of that. He has to shoulder a large proportion of the blame.


You can't carry on blaming superiors, unless you consider The Blessed Margaret, or Douglas Hurd to be responsible.

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I think that Duckenfield has done today, what he should have done many years ago and admitted that he wasn't up to the job.


There's a bit more to come, about his subsequent promotions and the police cover up, which might tell us more about him.


I accept that others appointed him, but he took the job. He didn't do it properly and 96 people are dead because of that. He has to shoulder a large proportion of the blame.


You can't carry on blaming superiors, unless you consider The Blessed Margaret, or Douglas Hurd to be responsible.


well said , end of the day it was a massive cover up - im not sure what more will come out in the wash as they say . FACT remains big mistakes was made

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I'm not sure I agree. He was being paid out of the public purse and will have received a hell of a lot of money since that fateful day.


Maybe if he had come forward and talked about his part in the day and what really happened, and the cover up that ensued, whilst fans were being blamed, or even perhaps shed some light on the control room (where reports suggest he spent most of the match day) police video tapes that 'went missing', maybe I'd feel he'd 'earned' it a bit more.


I sure wouldnt be happy if someone came along 20 years (?) after I retired and decided that all the pension contributions I made from my salary would be taken off me due to one mistake I made whilst working for my employer. Is there precedent?

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