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Hillsborough document release


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Even with the facts put in front of us, several on here are unwilling to alter their opinions.


I don't think that's the case.


You won't find one person on here who thinks the police or SWFC are not to blame. We knew they and the Sun lied.


But don't airbrush the ticketless or drunken fans pushing to get in out of the history.

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Sadly, "closure" for some means the demolition of the Hillsborough football ground and all the officers on duty that day being jailed for murder.


It is not unreasonable to expect a football gound to be fit for purpose. After the near-disaster in 1981, bodged alterations certainly played a huge part in what happened, so yes, if the substantial changes that have been made since then had not happened, I certainly would be asking for the stadion to be closed. It is also not unreasonable to expect the police to do their job. On that day, they were hindered by inadequate radio equipment and incompetent leadership. Again, it is not unreasonable to expect changes, and if they had not happened, to call for them.


Whatever "Closure" means to you, to me it means knowing as much of the truth as we possibly can - to know what happened, and to make sure that the same mistakes are not repeated.

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Even with the facts put in front of us, several on here are unwilling to alter their opinions.


Who we individually blame , well there seems to be many we could blame, the Police, the council , the F.A, THE OWLS AMONGST THEM.


The fact the venue held no safety certificate is an early factor, so the police, council and stadium owners have all a case to answer.


The lack of a certificate, kicked off a series of **** ups from many agencys. But EVIDENCE shows the game should not have been allowed to take place in the first place.


The F.A being the organisers, the Owls the hosts.


The coming weeks will be interesting. Lawyers rubbing their hands with glee. Lets hope we dont forget the victims in all the mess.


There was a time 30 years ago when football grounds did not have huge wire cages to stop fans getting on to the pitch. It was because of thugs and hooligans that the barriers were errected. If these barriers had not been in place there would not have been a problem. Since the disaster the barriers have been removed and the grounds made all seater to prevent crowd trouble.

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I don't think that's the case.


You won't find one person on here who thinks the police or SWFC are not to blame. We knew they and the Sun lied.


But don't airbrush the ticketless or drunken fans pushing to get in out of the history.


Ticketless fans shouldn't have been allowed near the ground. Why didn't the police do their job & set up a cordon around the ground checking tickets?


Drunken fans go to every football game every week, yet 96 people don't die usually.

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I don't think that's the case.


You won't find one person on here who thinks the police or SWFC are not to blame. We knew they and the Sun lied.


But don't airbrush the ticketless or drunken fans pushing to get in out of the history.


The issue of "ticketless" fans was addressed in the Taylor report. It's a myth. Or rather: It is a lie that I would not expect you to perpetuate.

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I was at Bramall Lane a couple of weeks before the Hillsborough disaster and this is exactly what the police did.

A police cordon was in force at least 50m around the ground and no one was allowed near the turnstiles without a ticket.Why on earth this wasn't in place that day god only knows


Because there were different but inexperienced people in charge of Hillsborough owing to some shenanigans that had gone on at Hammerton Road and led to some changes in personnel.


It does amaze me that morons like frededwards, alchemist and others still repeat what has been disproven today, in fact what was disproven by the original Taylor Report. i.e that the fans were to blame. It has been known for years that a police failure was to blame but these idiots still claim otherwise.

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Even with the facts put in front of us, several on here are unwilling to alter their opinions.


Who we individually blame , well there seems to be many we could blame, the Police, the council , the F.A, THE OWLS AMONGST THEM.



You missed Liverpool fans there.


Its just naive in the extreme to believe that the fans of a football club, that had a well deserved reputation for mayhem, having caused the heysel disaster and, more than any other club, got British football teams including the national side banned from playing abroad for a good few years, are totally blameless for Hillsborough.

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After 23 years the truth is out. The police lied. They failed in their duty. Then, rather than come clean, they entered into a lengthy criminal cover up. Whay happened to the video tapes that mysteriously went missing? Why did the police take the blood from dead children in order to try to prove they were drunk?


This is a shameful episode that reaches as far as Thatcher, who was fed the same lies by the cops as the rest of us.

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Because there were different but inexperienced people in charge of Hillsborough owing to some shenanigans that had gone on at Hammerton Road and led to some changes in personnel.


It does amaze me that morons like frededwards, alchemist and others still repeat what has been disproven today, in fact what was disproven by the original Taylor Report. i.e that the fans were to blame. It has been known for years that a police failure was to blame but these idiots still claim otherwise.


Everyone knows that the fans were partly to blame.

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