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Hillsborough document release


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You missed Liverpool fans there.


Its just naive in the extreme to believe that the fans of a football club, that had a well deserved reputation for mayhem, having caused the heysel disaster and, more than any other club, got British football teams including the national side banned from playing abroad for a good few years, are totally blameless for Hillsborough.


I would agree but would add that security are on hand to deal with this. If adequate resourses had been available to provide infinite policing drunks could have been prevented from entering the ground. But as there wasn't they did.


Grounds like Hillsborough were inadequate for purpose.

Police cover was inadequate for the type of fans who they knew would turn up.

I don't think any group should escape their part in the disaster however they try to airbrush history. However if there had been 20,000 police on hand and the ground fit for purpose there would be no disaster. So we should work back from there.

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Ha ha. The strawman didn't work so now the troll accusation. Quality!


I fully understand your post, as I'm sure you are aware. I am still, however, waiting for an answer to the question I asked you in response. I'll try it from a different angle - it might help but, failing that, it'll reveal which tactic comes after the strawman and the trolling accusations.


You say, in post 81, that you think that today's evidence has been falsified "to please and silence the Liverpudlians".


Who stands to gain from this?


So why did you post about rubbish collection? What does that have to do with the argument?


A lot of people want a line drawing under the whole tragedy, someone has to make the first move and accept blame and I think this is what today is all about.


Google "drawing a line under hillsborough" and you'll see this in many articles and web pages referencing this.


Liverpudlians will never accept that their fans may have been to blame - be it partially or wholly, it certainly isn't the latter. But I do not see them as blameless, citing the racist chant link I posted, and Heysel as previous examples.


And where do the stereotypes of Scousers being professional victims or grievers come from? There is evidence to back that up if you search for it, did you not like my example about the chicken? Google "Liverpool candlelit vigil" - they seem to have more than their fair share of them.


Who stands to gain? I'm not sure, but I know that reports and panels and hearings are costing the British taxpayer. To say nothing about compensation for those lost.

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Oh my God:


116 of 164 police statements were 'amended to remove or alter comments unfavourable to South Yorkshire police'



The statement by PC Maxwell Groome was one of "those most extensively altered" the report found.


The following material was deleted from his original account:"The decision to replace Chief Superintendent Mole before the semi-final needs to come under some scrutiny. This man had many years experience of policing big matches at Hillsborough.


Compared to other semi-finals held at Hillsborough, the organisation of this event was poor, as has been the case for most of the season. Too little notice had been taken of current trends and football intelligence and too much reliance has been placed upon previous information held.


Too many non-operational supervisory officers were in charge of important and critical parts of the football ground.


The deployment of officers around the crucial time needs to come under scrutiny, too many were sat around in the gymnasium whilst others were rushed off their feet."


He also wrote originally: "It was noticeable that the only supervisory officers above the rank of Inspector on the pitch were Chief Inspectors Beal and Sumner and Superintendent Greenwood. Certain supervisory officers were conspicuous by their absence. It was utter chaos."


This was changed to: "On the pitch were Chief Inspectors Beal and Sumner and Superintendent Greenwood."



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I can think of more fitting adjectives.;)


I hope Trevor Hicks' sentiments are widely supported and the BBC finally stop wheeling him out at every available opportunity. He is not fit to be on our screens. The BBC should hang their heads in shame.


They should hang him, then steal his blood to prove he was drunk and deserved it, just like the police did with the dead and dying fans.


This is beyond belief:


This document marked "In Strict Confidence" provides the evidence that blood alcohol concentrations were measured in patients at Royal Hallamshire hospital. The names of the patients have understandably been redacted.

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Kelvin McKenzie is squirming





"I too was totally misled. Twenty three ago I was handed a piece of copy from a reputable news agency in Sheffield in which a senior police officer and a senior local MP were making serious allegations against fans in the stadium.


"I had absolutely no reason to believe that these authority figures would lie and deceive over such a disaster.":


I don't see why that is squirming. I would imagine that everyone was getting their information from the same sources.

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I would agree but would add that security are on hand to deal with this. If adequate resourses had been available to provide infinite policing drunks could have been prevented from entering the ground. But as there wasn't they did.


Grounds like Hillsborough were inadequate for purpose.

Police cover was inadequate for the type of fans who they knew would turn up.

I don't think any group should escape their part in the disaster however they try to airbrush history. However if there had been 20,000 police on hand and the ground fit for purpose there would be no disaster. So we should work back from there.


It's not about police numbers, it was sheer lack of organisation on the day, a series of poor decisions by the police at the top. I think they had adequate numbers of police, they were just doing the wrong things. There weren't any more drunk fans than would normally be expected, that was just a lie spread by the police to try to blame their victims.


Hillsborough was a regular FA Cup semi-final venue, this didn't happen in previous matches.

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