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Hillsborough document release


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The report published today lays no blame on those that perished and quite rightly so, I think we have all known that from the start


I was there on the day in the build up and gave evidence to the West Midlands police enquiry. I'm sure my statement is there within all the documents


Over an hour before kick off police on horseback tried to move a few large groups of Liverpool fans gathered on Leppings Lane corner towards the ground. Many of these turned round and went in the opposite direction


In those days of terracing and with capacities often ignored, it was customary and a badge of honour for fans of big clubs to try and get in without tickets, either bribing turnstile operators or turning up late in the hope of overwhelming those in control. We can only assume the police made a huge misjudgement on the basis of past experience, a knee jerk reaction in those days was to believe all football fans to be hooligans. This mindset, coupled with the poor design and state of the ground, meant crowd control was all about stopping trouble and not protecting safety


What happened in the aftermath with police evidence being doctored and the misinformation about timings of the deaths etc is nothing short of scandalous. Let's hope justice is served, in whatever form that takes and the families can have some sense of closure


As an honour to the 96 we must ensure this never happens again and all seater stadia go some way to his and will provide a lasting legacy to their memory


Anybody who was involved in football violence in the 70's and 80's should sleep uneasy tonight. Hillsborough would not have happened if the fences weren't there in the first place which were only as a result of previous generations acting like animals


Sounds about right

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At the end of the day, bottoms are going to be kicked, I've read they've asking for the original inquest verdict to be squashed & a new one held. In view of everything that makes sense, nobody should go to a match to die it was supposed to be a happy occasion.


It was an accident waiting to happen, sadly it was at S6 on that fateful day, I can still remember the Ibrox disaster. I bet many more can as well from 71 as fans leaving ground (66 died).


It's been a long time coming but a lot of people are to blame, I'm surprised that nobody has had a go at the government at the time. They MUST have known the truth but went along with the fabrications, as have governments since.

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It makes you wonder how powerful are the police? Did they manage to pull the wool over the last three government's eyes or were there blind eyes made? Does it go beyond that and into the old boys club?


I've been on the receiving end of the coppers more than one, and had trumped up charges thrown at me. My "crime"? Being an urbexer. Middle aged married white man with children, works in public sector. "Hmmm, lets throw an accusation of "terrorism" at him, he's obviously the type."


The link I posted earlier showed that the senior Merseyside police officer deliberately lied to Thatcher.

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So what of my posts do you disagree with?


A few things, including.....


Since day 1 evidence was falsified.


I think it has been again today just to please and silence the Liverpudlians.




I remember years ago a Scouser - knowing I was from Sheffield - going on to me about Leppings Lane being a "smitty deathtrap" of a stand (altered because of the swearing), which meant nothing to me because I'm a Blade. I couldn't care less about SWFC.



Liverpudlians get a bad rap for being professional grievers.


Because we now know they didn't exist, or did they? A report says they did, now a report says they didn't. Which to believe?



I think all the other factors that happened at the same time (an RTA which caused tailbacks and made everyone late) were to blame for that.

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It makes you wonder how powerful are the police? Did they manage to pull the wool over the last three government's eyes or were there blind eyes made? Does it go beyond that and into the old boys club?




The link I posted earlier showed that the senior Merseyside police officer deliberately lied to Thatcher.


From today's report:



In the days after the disaster the media, particularly the press, published allegations and counter-allegations apportioning blame. This came to a head on 19 April when a number of newspapers, The Sun being the most prominent, reported serious allegations about the behaviour of Liverpool fans before and during the unfolding tragedy.


The documents disclosed to the Panel show that the origin of these serious allegations was a local Sheffield press agency informed by several SYP officers, an SYP Police Federation spokesperson and a local MP.

They also demonstrate how the SYP Police Federation, supported informally by the SYP Chief Constable, sought to develop and publicise a version of events that focused on several police officers’ allegations of drunkenness, ticketlessness and violence among a large number of Liverpool fans. This extended beyond the media to Parliament.


Yet, from the mass of documents, television and CCTV coverage disclosed to the Panel there is no evidence to support these allegations other than a few isolated examples of aggressive or verbally abusive behaviour clearly reflecting frustration and desperation.


140. As the severity of the disaster was becoming apparent, SYP Match Commander, Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield, told a falsehood to senior officials that Liverpool fans had broken into the stadium and caused an inrush into the central pens thus causing the fatal crush. While later discredited, this unfounded allegation was broadcast internationally and was the first explanation of the cause of the disaster to enter the public domain.

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