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Hillsborough document release


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Criminal record checks on the dead, when their blood alcohol tests proved to be disappointingly zero - not THAT's a waste of tax-payers' money.


Regrettably, the lies and smears persist. It's easier, I suppose, to believe the tabloid headlines. It spares people the effort of thinking.


The dead were not the ones that were drunk and rowdy, they were the innocent victims; so why is their blood alchol significant?

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The report published today lays no blame on those that perished and quite rightly so, I think we have all known that from the start


I was there on the day in the build up and gave evidence to the West Midlands police enquiry. I'm sure my statement is there within all the documents


Over an hour before kick off police on horseback tried to move a few large groups of Liverpool fans gathered on Leppings Lane corner towards the ground. Many of these turned round and went in the opposite direction


In those days of terracing and with capacities often ignored, it was customary and a badge of honour for fans of big clubs to try and get in without tickets, either bribing turnstile operators or turning up late in the hope of overwhelming those in control. We can only assume the police made a huge misjudgement on the basis of past experience, a knee jerk reaction in those days was to believe all football fans to be hooligans. This mindset, coupled with the poor design and state of the ground, meant crowd control was all about stopping trouble and not protecting safety


What happened in the aftermath with police evidence being doctored and the misinformation about timings of the deaths etc is nothing short of scandalous. Let's hope justice is served, in whatever form that takes and the families can have some sense of closure


As an honour to the 96 we must ensure this never happens again and all seater stadia go some way to his and will provide a lasting legacy to their memory


Anybody who was involved in football violence in the 70's and 80's should sleep uneasy tonight. Hillsborough would not have happened if the fences weren't there in the first place which were only as a result of previous generations acting like animals


Were fences a factor in the Ibrox disaster?


Fences were a contributor, but so were so many other issues in the Hillsborough disaster.


The full facts have yet to be revealed, but who will take the overall blame ? who will be made to pay?

Edited by TAT
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Liverpool fans responsible?...ALL football fans were in some way responsible for the ridiculous fencing that went up on the Lepp...hooligans of ALL clubs brought that crap to our stadiums....I read stuff about Liverpool fans "Having a drink"...turning up late"....Christ almighty...Ive done it....most every football fan has done it.

Any football fan whoever took a swipe at another ...cos he was wearing a different coloured scarf is responsible for the tragedy that happened at Hillsborough..because thats why we got those death traps of fences...I worked at the RHH on the day...I was there until midnight...I met a fair few scousers, looking for mates...looking for family...I did not meet 1 drunken fan...just ordinary shocked football supporters...who were massively let down on the day by inadequate policing, emergency services that could not cope...no emergency service in the country could have coped.....but the biggest sin of all is...the crap that was written in the sun....the cover up by SYP...and the lies all that engendered that have coloured folks opinion outside of Merseyside for over 2 decades...

That this human tragedy was played out at a ground I have been going to for nearly 50 years will always haunt me...but it does not detract from the fact that the poor souls who never got home that day, were mainly...ticketed...sober...and in the ground on time....had they been late....they would be posting on here.....This report enforces that...

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Were fences a factor in the Ibrox disaster?


Fences were a contributor, but so were so many other issues in the Hillsbrough disaster.


The full facts have yet to be revealed, but who will take the overall blame ? who will be made to pay?


The full facts have been revealed. The state of the stadium was an issue, especially the fencing and the pens. However as early as the Taylor Report the police failure of control on the day has been recognised as being the main cause of the disaster.

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The dead were not the ones that were drunk and rowdy, they were the innocent victims; so why is their blood alchol significant? :huh:


Because if they HAD been drunk, it would have been very helpful to the tissue of lies being spun by the police. And if they HAD had previous convictions, they could have been marketed as thugs rather than victims. I know, it is very hard indeed to think yourself into the mindset of the police publicity strategy at the time.

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