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Hillsborough document release


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I can think of more fitting adjectives.;)


I hope Trevor Hicks' sentiments are widely supported and the BBC finally stop wheeling him out at every available opportunity. He is not fit to be on our screens. The BBC should hang their heads in shame.


The BBC and Mark Thompson, DG in particular , are obsessed with getting him and his ilk on the BBC. They would rather be bullied into submission by stupid Sun & Mail journos than stand upto them

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The full facts have been revealed. The state of the stadium was an issue, especially the fencing and the pens. However as early as the Taylor Report the police failure of control on the day has been recognised as being the main cause of the disaster.


Wasn't it the fans entering the grounds without tickets, that was the main cause of the disaster?

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Ah, I see. The next tactic is focussing on minor points to muddy the waters. No worries, I'll indulge you.


So why did you post about rubbish collection? What does that have to do with the argument?


Unless I have underestimated your level of intelligence, you know exactly what I was getting at. It was an example of another way the authorities could do what you were suggesting they were doing by backing down in order to shut up the "dissatisfied customers".


I chose rubbish collection because I know it is a subject about which you've been vociferous. Not especially relevant to the major point here but, as I said, I'll indulge you.


A lot of people want a line drawing under the whole tragedy, someone has to make the first move and accept blame and I think this is what today is all about.

Google "drawing a line under hillsborough" and you'll see this in many articles and web pages referencing this.


Yep. Done that. I can't see any where it says they've falsified the documents as you claim in post 81. Can you?


Liverpudlians will never accept that their fans may have been to blame - be it partially or wholly, it certainly isn't the latter. But I do not see them as blameless, citing the racist chant link I posted, and Heysel as previous examples.


And where do the stereotypes of Scousers being professional victims or grievers come from? There is evidence to back that up if you search for it, did you not like my example about the chicken? Google "Liverpool candlelit vigil" - they seem to have more than their fair share of them.


I don't disagree with any of that, or your opinion regarding the Saurez thing - perhaps I should point out here that I have much more experience of Liverpool and its inhabitants than you may suspect - but it is all totally irrelevent to your claim in post 81. You introduced them in a classic example of discrediting in order to divert the argument.



Who stands to gain? I'm not sure, but I know that reports and panels and hearings are costing the British taxpayer. To say nothing about compensation for those lost.


Now, this is much more like it. A direct answer with no diversionary tactics or other abuses of argument. Shame you didn't provide a response like this in the first place.


So, to be clear, are you suggesting that the panel may have falsified documents in order to shut up the scousers in order to, simply, save some money?

Edited by Lockjaw
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Wasn't it the fans entering the grounds without tickets, that was the main cause of the disaster?


From today's report:


Consistent with Lord Justice Taylor’s findings, the Panel found no evidence among the vast number of disclosed documents and many hours of video material to verify the serious allegations of exceptional levels of drunkenness, ticketlessness or violence among Liverpool fans. There was no evidence that fans had conspired toarrive late at the stadium and force entry and no evidence that they stole from the dead and dying. Documents show that fans became frustrated by the inadequate response to the unfolding tragedy. The vast majority of fans on the pitch assisted in rescuing and evacuating the injured and the dead.

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Oh good, they're not going to publish any more Sun newspapers then.


Finally, they are going to do right by the people of Liverpool are they? Because anything less would be totally inappropriate, in my opinion.


Do you seriously think a multi million organisation like the sun would stop trading because of something like, this ???

They have no morals quite obviously and will continue to upset...

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People keep refering to the lack of 'safety certificate' for Hillsborough being something new when this was known 20 years ago.


I would like to hazard a guess that this was the 'norm' for football stadiums back then.


As people have already mentioned,this is just another report in a long line of reports with more to come no doubt.

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