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Hillsborough document release


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They might if they thought that the whole group was going to go down the pan if not.:hihi:


While ever the public accept being blagged and lied to, things like this will happen and continue to happen (regarding big companies, governments, police etc)

Look how the "news of the world" got banned then came out a few weeks later as "the sun on Sunday".

It's a joke certain companies have too much power, the sun group being one of them...

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While ever the public accept being blagged and lied to, things like this will happen and continue to happen (regarding big companies, governments, police etc)

Look how the "news of the world" got banned then came out a few weeks later as "the sun on Sunday".

It's a joke certain companies have too much power, the sun group being one of them...


You mean while ever people pay to read this garbage, don't you?

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Liverpool fans responsible?...ALL football fans were in some way responsible for the ridiculous fencing that went up on the Lepp...hooligans of ALL clubs brought that crap to our stadiums


Hooliganism was the ugly side of football but fences were brought in after riots by such teams as Man Utd & the like, sorry but not all fans are to blame for the deaths of 96.


The fences were erected to stop pitch invasions, and the like, but in the end they contributed to death in an indirect way. I can remember the kop being segregated at BDTBL with fences right down the middle, that was awful as well as being on the perimeter.


As someone said fans were treat like cattle, and were herded into stadia, don't forget that 4 years earlier; the Liverpool fans had caused Heysel disaster. Before it was actually known what was happening at Hillsbro' people did think it was violence related, sad but true.


We cannot bring the 96 back (sadly), but what they can do is get justice for them now, and the REAL culprits brought to book.:mad:

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Liverpool fans responsible?...ALL football fans were in some way responsible for the ridiculous fencing that went up on the Lepp...hooligans of ALL clubs brought that crap to our stadiums


Hooliganism was the ugly side of football but fences were brought in after riots by such teams as Man Utd & the like, sorry but not all fans are to blame for the deaths of 96.


The fences were erected to stop pitch invasions, and the like, but in the end they contributed to death in an indirect way. I can remember the kop being segregated at BDTBL with fences right down the middle, that was awful as well as being on the perimeter.


As someone said fans were treat like cattle, and were herded into stadia, don't forget that 4 years earlier; the Liverpool fans had caused Heysel disaster. Before it was actually known what was happening at Hillsbro' people did think it was violence related, sad but true.


We cannot bring the 96 back (sadly), but what they can do is get justice for them now, and the REAL culprits brought to book.:mad:

Yes you are correct mate...not ALL football fans were responsible....that was an ill judged comment...but the climate at the time in football..all over the country, brought these death traps into being...and before 89..looking over from the Eastbank to the lepp..at that tunnel that filtered football fans into that middle section..fences on either side...it always looked wrong....but as an ordinary football fan....waddya do?...I went to Oxford and Brentford and such places...where 4000 Owls fans were stuck on a terrace that should have held far less..The games were of less magnitude than a semi final...but the accident was still there waiting to happen..

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Police failures then a cover up is no great revelation, I think everyone accepts that, but what people dont accept is that the Liverpool fans are completely blameless for what happened.


Are we really saying that the fans, not the ones that died of course, I mean some of the fans they were crushed by, are not a teensy-weensy bit responsible, is that what we're saying? Do people need to be told by police NOT to push up against people in front of them when the pen is clearly packed?


Oh my god. Have you actually understood ANYTHING about this?

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