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Hillsborough document release


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My wife once lost a shoe exiting a game in the tunnel at Owlerton when she was a young girl in the 50s.as she momentarily turned to retrieve it,a big hand pushed her on with the advice to keep moving or she could be trampled on!

I am at a loss to decide all these years later,who was responsible for the deaths of the Liverpool fans that day.Sure there has been coverups by the police and politicians,but they surely did not set out that day to assist the deaths of 90 odd people.

No! I think the blame must surely lay at the feet of Sheffield Wednesday FC.If you run a business on that scale,public safety must be paramount,and it seems for decades that due care and diligence was not given the attention it warranted.

Blame the police and politicos for the coverup but don't blame them for the deaths.....................that blame lies with SWFC.


The City council were responsible for issuing the relevant safety certificate. They messed up and didn't for some reason. The owners of stadiums or other buildings that thousands of members of the public gather can't be responsible for making sure these places are covered by the right certificates or it opens the whole thing up to abuse.


True, but are'nt people trying to make out that there were no drunk and rowdy Liverpool fans turning up at the ground late trying to get in?


No there were and element that were drunk. There is at every football match. The authorities are responsible for ensuring that these people and anyone else at the match are protected by adequate safety measures. They didn't on this occasion and then lied to cover it up.


I wonder if they'll have to re-write history on this one too.




1985: Fans die in Heysel rioting

Thirty-nine Juventus football fans have died during rioting at the European Cup Final in Brussels.


The tragedy occured when a wall collapsed in the stadium and crushed Juventus fans as they tried to escape Liverpool supporters.


The two sets of supporters had spent the day drinking in the Belgian city and had arrived at the Heysel stadium waving flags and chanting.

But shortly before kick off the atmosphere turned violent and Liverpool supporters stampeded through a thin line of police towards the rival fans.


As the Juventus fans retreated a wall collapsed under the pressure and fans were crushed and trampled to death in the panic.


Police at the scene were unable to contain the violence and riot police were called in to calm the situation.


Nobody has ever tried to deny that. Are you saying that Liverpool asked for it because of what some of their fans did there?


Many different people must shoulder some of the blame,not just the cops,not just the drunken scousers and not just SWFC they all deserve some blame,the people who don't are the poor sould who were in the ground early and more than likely sober.



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Having seen BBC News tonight and Look North, the only culprit not mentioned is Margaret Thatcher. She was complicate prior to events, against football crowds and the potential violence.

Moreover, SYP were her 'bootboys' during the miners strike ( no disrespect to serving officers) and they were in her good books.

THATCHER had influence in any subsequent enquirey.


I realise she is suffering ill health, but it must not be left out of any final analysis?


My thoughts are with all who were and are effected by all those years of injustice.

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Two thoughts from me. Firstly, the current Chief Constable gave a good account of himself with Harry gration on Look North tonight.

Secondly, the then Chief Constable, Sir Norman Bettison ought to tender his resignation immediately if he has any honour.


Totally agree with your point about Bettison.


No doubt there are others who should be considering their position, and if the current Chief Constable is right, some might be facing criminal prosecution for, I guess, perverting the course of justice.


And talking about perverting: Kelvin MacKenzie, formerly of that well know bastion of truth, The Sun, should be shunned by all respectable organisations. I for one, get sick of seeing the loud mouthed, opinionated (insert rude word) popping up on Question Time spouting his nasty, rightwing, crass views. Time for the BBC to give him the cold shoulder, me thinks

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