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Hillsborough document release


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me aswell, certainly from going on what a work collegue at work told me about the day, he was a steward on the infamous gate and always thought the fans had to shoulder some of the blame. i'll have to see what he thinks now the report has come out. it looks like thing were covered up so an apology is owed by whoever it was


Hang on? Was he an eyewitness? If he was and he thinks that the fans outside should shoulder some of the blame then why would you think that some documents would make him change his mind?

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It’s clear that the police and the politicians have behaved appallingly in this matter.

The police panicked and made the wrong decision, they then; inexcusably; compounded their wrongdoing by falsifying statements and lying.

It would appear that certain politicians colluded in this. Investigations should be made with a view to bringing prosecutions over this potential perversion of the course of justice.


However, had the fans who arrived late queued in an orderly manner, the police would not have been forced into making said erroneous decision, therefore the late-arriving fans must also be viewed as having some degree of culpability.


For the first time, I'm not even going to challenge this garbage - BECAUSE FROM MIDDAY TODAY, I DON'T NEED TO!





Well done to all of those who have campaigned tirelessly for this day.

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23 years..23 years it's taken


Those who doubted....If you had bothered to read the Taylor report you'd have found out all you needed to know back then..but mud sticks and thanks to that vile newspaper, despite fans being exonerrated of any blame it's still taken to this day for the actual 'truth' to hit home


I've seen comments on this forum that border on the vile but most of them are mis-informed and ignorant of the facts. You know who you are, you should be ashamed. You chose to pick the elements you wanted to hear to justify your own pathetic attempts at football banter.

Thankfully you're in the minority.


This transcends football rivalry. People died going to a football match through no fault of their own. Parents sent children to a game and they never returned. Just try and imagine the pain that causes a parent then add to that the lies and the cover up and the constant search for answers and the truth.

To this day not one person has been prosecuted for the deaths of 96 people.


Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for the families and the previous inquest is quashed and a new one opened. They are a truly inspiration, amazing set of people, far more courageous than I could ever be.




Edited by wibbles
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It’s clear that the police and the politicians have behaved appallingly in this matter.

The police panicked and made the wrong decision, they then; inexcusably; compounded their wrongdoing by falsifying statements and lying.

It would appear that certain politicians colluded in this. Investigations should be made with a view to bringing prosecutions over this potential perversion of the course of justice.


However, had the fans who arrived late queued in an orderly manner, the police would not have been forced into making said erroneous decision, therefore the late-arriving fans must also be viewed as having some degree of culpability.


agree with pretty much all of that but not sure prosecutions would happen, i mean was there anything back then they could of been charged with? the opening of the gate had to be done so the police can't be blamed for that otherwise if people had died outside there would of been questions as to why it wasn't opened. any mistakes made that day shouldn't of been covered up, if i'm right in thinking that was the first major incident that had happened at a football stadium so the main thing is lessons were learnt as how to avoid the same thing happening again.

anyway at least any cover up that did happen will be uncovered hopefully and the individuals that were accountable for that should be made to apologise or have it in them to offer an apology

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However, had the fans who arrived late queued in an orderly manner, the police would not have been forced into making said erroneous decision, therefore the late-arriving fans must also be viewed as having some degree of culpability.


You seem to have read a page of the official report that nobody else has.


Sad that some will still believe the lies even after today.

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23 years..23 years it's taken


Those who doubted....If you had bothered to read the Taylor report you'd have found out all you needed to know back then..but mud sticks and thanks to that vile newspaper, despite fans being exonerrated of any blame it's still taken to this day for the actual 'truth' to hit home


I've seen comments on this forum that border on the vile but most of them are mis-informed and ignorant of the facts. You know who you are, you should be ashamed. You chose to pick the elements you wanted to hear to justify your own pathetic attempts at football banter.

Thankfully you're in the minority.


This transcends football rivalry. People died going to a football match through no fault of their own. Parents sent children to a game and they never returned. Just try and imagine the pain that causes a parent then add to that the lies and the cover up and the constant search for answers and the truth.

To this day not one person has been prosecuted for the death of 96 people.


Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for the families and the previous inquest is quashed and a new one opened. They are a truly inspiration, amazing set of people, far more courageous than I could ever be.





Beautifully put. :)

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Hang on? Was he an eyewitness? If he was and he thinks that the fans outside should shoulder some of the blame then why would you think that some documents would make him change his mind?


he was on the gate so yes an eyewitness. not sure i meant change his mind, i think he will always believe the fans played a part and forced the police into opening the gate but maybe he with think now it wasn't as big a part the fans played, i think he's always believed the biggest problem was the fans, maybe he wont now.

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agree with pretty much all of that but not sure prosecutions would happen, i mean was there anything back then they could of been charged with? the opening of the gate had to be done so the police can't be blamed for that otherwise if people had died outside there would of been questions as to why it wasn't opened. any mistakes made that day shouldn't of been covered up, if i'm right in thinking that was the first major incident that had happened at a football stadium so the main thing is lessons were learnt as how to avoid the same thing happening again.

anyway at least any cover up that did happen will be uncovered hopefully and the individuals that were accountable for that should be made to apologise or have it in them to offer an apology


Doctoring police statements & removing CCTV evidence is criminal. Who could have done it?


Apologies are too late from these individuals. 23 years too late. I suggest that whoever doctored / redacted / altered statements should lose any pensionable rights and should be brought in front of a court.

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Altering statements of the event not enough for you?


if thats something they can be prosecuted for then yes. i mean events on the day though, not really anything there that could be prosecuted for i wouldn't think but obvioulsy any law breaking on the cover up should be punished and a definate apology isseud

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