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Hillsborough document release


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Nobody has ever tried to deny that. Are you saying that Liverpool asked for it because of what some of their fans did there?





No I'm quoting the transcript from a BBC report at Hysel which satted that fans from both clubs spent much of the run up to the match getting tanked up.

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Shame on Sheffield, shame on Sheffield police.


Since I moved to Sheffield 8 years ago I have often been struck by the extent to which the Hillsborough tragedy is felt by the people of Sheffield, despite no Sheffield side being involved in the match. It has seemed to me that Sheffielders feel it deeply as a shared tragedy with the 96 families and the people of Liverpool as a whole. Which I suppose is not surprising, since Sheffielders in general are an exceptional bunch of warm, compassionate and friendly people.


Sheffield as a whole has nothing to be ashamed of; the police, elements of the ambulance service and that Tory MP have everything to be ashamed of, I hope they get theirs.

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Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?



Sickening. I mean the cops diverted massive resources to covering up and telling lies. Senior South Yorkshire police officers of the time ought to be prosecuted as should Irvine Patrick and the others dripping their vile lies to The Sun.


Forgive me, but I can only think that SYP had a young Alisatair Campbell working for them. This just smacks of the WMD report commissioned by Blair.

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And talking about perverting: Kelvin MacKenzie, formerly of that well know bastion of truth, The Sun, should be shunned by all respectable organisations. I for one, get sick of seeing the loud mouthed, opinionated (insert rude word) popping up on Question Time spouting his nasty, rightwing, crass views. Time for the BBC to give him the cold shoulder, me thinks


If only. Putting him on your TV programme gets you viewers.


The Sun has always seen itself as to be some self-styled people's champion, above the law. They'll never learn their lesson, particularly after getting away with publishing those photos of Prince Harry and the PCC taking no action.

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I find it difficult to write on this issue. It was a most harrowing event for everyone, and when you lose a loved one it's for all time. Whilst today's disclosures are overdue, they are commendably candid and unbiased.


I have always believed that the Hillsborough tragedy was a day on which everything that could go wrong - went wrong. Timing, tickets, turnstiles, planning, crowd control, fan's area allocation, etc., etc. To compound this was the subsequent abdication of responsibility by the authorities that were there specifically to ensure the safety of the public they were meant to serve. Then came the cowardly (and arguably ciminal) cover-ups. It all makes for a most depressing report.


I wasn't at the match, I was watching rugby at Abbeydale. But the events of that day will stay with me. My wife is from Liverpool, and she sobbed.

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Remember the 96 who were tragically killed at Hillsborough in 1989.


The truth may be out but the justice of bringing those who caused this into account must start immediately, the injustice of lies, cover ups, smears and fraud. South Yorkshire Police and Ambulance Services and the institutional corruption from the then Thatcher government must stand account and face justice, they must all burn in hell for the wide spread blame of Liverpool fans and the doctoring of statements including taking blood tests from the dead to blame them for what happened including letting half the people die which could have been saved after cut off time, the whole rotten mess and ordeal should never have happened, Hillsborough was not fit for state and did not have appropriate safety accreditations on top of the head of South Yorkshire Police who was new and was out of his depth, the whole mess stinks, it was our 9/11 and was our inside job with people colluding with coroners, nothing more and nothing less, a new inquest must be made and people must pay the price, for the 96 who died and who were blamed, I feel for your friends and families and forever more...


You Will Never Walk Alone !!!

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