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Hillsborough document release


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It was Patnick who passed on the police's lies to McKenzie. McKenzie blamed him for being the conduit.


I've never liked Patnick and I know quite a few other Tories who feel the same. Don't tar an entire party because of one person.



Its hardly a crime to pass on the information he was given (as truth) at a high level police briefing. It sounds like he was being used as a patsy.

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In any sane world he'd be stripped of his knighthood for being a gutless lying coward.


Sir Irvine, who served as a government whip during his 10 years in parliament, was knighted in 1994.


The 82-year-old refused to speak to reporters as he left his home in the south-west of Sheffield this afternoon.



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Its hardly a crime to pass on the information he was given (as truth) at a high level police briefing. It sounds like he was being used as a patsy.


I read he claimed he'd spoken to police officers who said they'd been kicked and spat at.


I don't like Patnick because of the other things he was against while in parliament.

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And talking about perverting: Kelvin MacKenzie, formerly of that well know bastion of truth, The Sun, should be shunned by all respectable organisations. I for one, get sick of seeing the loud mouthed, opinionated (insert rude word) popping up on Question Time spouting his nasty, rightwing, crass views. Time for the BBC to give him the cold shoulder, me thinks


I've just looked at The Sun site and there's no mention of its involvement.




It should say. THE TRUTH, WE LIED AS WELL.

Edited by Stan Tamudo
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Its hardly a crime to pass on the information he was given (as truth) at a high level police briefing. It sounds like he was being used as a patsy.


Spreading mis-information? Not sure if it's falls into any criminal category, but it is morally repugnant, to use the words of our Prime Minister

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So what will happen to Irvine Patnick now? He, like McKenzie, will no doubt be keeping the lowest of profiles. But, as the source of one of the most viciously dishonest and defamatory examples of yellow journalism ever to disgrace this country’s press, there will inevitably be calls for him to be stripped of that knighthood.


He clearly didn’t merit the award and should hand it back.




Supported apartheid. Supported Section 28.

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Spreading mis-information? Not sure if it's falls into any criminal category, but it is morally repugnant, to use the words of our Prime Minister


I would agree if it was done knowingly. But would you have doubted the words if they were pased onto you by SY police?


Then we have th role of Clive Betts in charge of Sheffield Council


It was his police that failed

His authorities that allowed a match in a stadium with no safety certficate.

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