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Hillsborough document release


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I just hope it doesn't change the feelings of Liverpool folk. I quite enjoy going into newsagents in the city and not seeing it on the shelves.


It doesn't look like a full apology from The Sun for their involvement at all, so I doubt it'll change anybody's mind about them.

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I am 55 and from Sheffield, I have never been to a football match because my parents wouldn't let me, they said it wasn't safe, Mr Hicks must take some blame for his daughters deaths for being so blase at letting them go where they wanted, everybody is trying to pass the buck, Its about time we all realised that whoever is to blame you can't raise the dead, It's time to let the Dead rest in peace.

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It was a good night when he lost his seat. Is he still alive? If so, it's he stood up and apologised too.


Yes,he is still alive and should stand up and explain himself.I remember seeing a picture in the newspaper showing all the victims crushed against the barriers.I couldnt believe how insensitive it was that a photographer had taken a photo of the dead and dying.I can still see that picture in my mind now,shocking.RIP to the 96 victims from an owls fan.

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I've never been in doubt that the Police were at fault with this; it's their job to Police any and every situation adequately and to cater for all reasonable eventualities - it's what they are paid for.


But two things have always bugged me:


1. Were there any/many ticket less fans trying to gain entry

2. Why did the previous seasons semi final involving Liverpool pass without any issue


For these reasons I've always held some Liverpool fans accountable for their contributing actions.


My first question is answered in today's report. The presence of (any) ticketless fans played no part in the disaster.


The second question is answered by the fact that although a disaster had not occurred at the previous semi final (and the one before that), there are reports that safety concerns were raised about crushing at those games, and were ignored.


With that in mind I apologise sincerely to any/all Liverpool fans for doubting them - I was wrong, as were many others.


RIP the 96.


p.s. to those posters who question fans for entering the stadium and contributing to the crush from the back - when you've paid to see your beloved team, know the game has started, are desperate to get in, and thousands move in one direction as one into a dark tunnel with a 1 in 6 gradient, you simply can't turn round and say to those thousands 'whoopsy, we've made a booboo, let's all be good chaps, turn round, walk back and wait'. The crowd moved as one - there was no one individual who decided what to do. To try to blame any of those fans is ridiculous.

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The City council were responsible for issuing the relevant safety certificate. They messed up and didn't for some reason. The owners of stadiums or other buildings that thousands of members of the public gather can't be responsible for making sure these places are covered by the right certificates or it opens the whole thing up to abuse.



The owners of stadiums and other buildings are totally responsible for ensuring they are in possession of safety certificates. It is up to them to apply for them.

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I am 55 and from Sheffield, I have never been to a football match because my parents wouldn't let me, they said it wasn't safe, Mr Hicks must take some blame for his daughters deaths for being so blase at letting them go where they wanted, everybody is trying to pass the buck, Its about time we all realised that whoever is to blame you can't raise the dead, It's time to let the Dead rest in peace.


You can't actually be serious, are you?!?!?! They were 15 and 19 and attended a football match. He didn't send them to play on the M1. They had a right to be protected and kept safe and numerous people failed in their duty to do this. Do you leave the house at all, or is it too dangerous??

Edited by Coxy
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